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Clay snobbery

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Lets face it, most clay shooters cannot face it in the field and are looking for an easy option. don't get me wrong 'cause Ilike a bacon butty and a cup of coffee but this is a pigeon site....most of the clay pigeon type i see don't have a clue about field craft and only seem interested in beating scores on a sterile clay site.....eahc to their own but clays don't come near to proper field sport when it comes to satisfaction and skill


opinions on a psotcard pleae.





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I do a lot of clay shooting, I enjoy it as a target sport. I wouldn't compare it to actual pigeon shooting as the clays are controllable, and come whan called.

Many clay shooters at my local CPSC are not remotely interested in fieldcraft or pigeon shooting, they stick to clays, and clays only. Bear in mind a clay shooter doesn't need field craft; if you only wound a clay it doesn't matter, a clay shooter simply doesn't need to know how to build a hide or train a dog to pick uop birds.

I know what you mean regards skill and satisfaction, but can't help feeling that many people who do shoot clays find it satisfying; yes, a clay ground is a bit sterile, but it is a good form of practice and teaches and improves your ability with a shotgun.



Just my thoughts




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Don't be hating on the clay shooters. Most on here do a bit of both, depending on seasons, weather and spare time. Moreover, I wouldn't recommend that anyone just grabs a shotty and goes straight out into the field - they won't hit a thing "cleanly".


Do you have a clay complex... this was your first post on here:




Maybe you should give clay grounds a swerve?


Love the clay. Be the clay. Hommmmmm.

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Two different sports. I enjoy both. I think your comment about '...most clay shooters cannot face it in the field and are looking for an easy option' is a bit of a sweeping statement. Clay shooting is a proper sport in its own right as is real pigeon shooting. I understand that's not your preference. I would hazard a guess you couldn't beat a fair few of the attendees at the Essex masters comp but i doubt they would tell you you didn't know how to shoot. Like i said, two different sports.

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I try to dress up in full cammo, I'll use ghillie suit when I make it, and hide in thick vegetation or trees when doing informal clay bashing. That way I have the element of surprise on my side, it's the last thing these cunning critters expect. People we must keep the clay population down! It's getting out of control :lol:


Or in sane peoples language, each to their own. Some hunters look down on some sorts, some target shooters look down on some sorts and I expect some clay shooters do to but it's an individual thing, if you generalise you'll not get anywhere really.

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Two different sports. I enjoy both. I think your comment about '...most clay shooters cannot face it in the field and are looking for an easy option' is a bit of a sweeping statement. Clay shooting is a proper sport in its own right as is real pigeon shooting. I understand that's not your preference. I would hazard a guess you couldn't beat a fair few of the attendees at the Essex masters comp but i doubt they would tell you you didn't know how to shoot. Like i said, two different sports.


This is absolutely right.


And let's not forget that Clay and Skeet shooting are considered highly enough to be Olympic sports.


I used to trudge for miles across countryside shooting rabbits and crows etc and enjoyed it immensely. I also enjoy Clay shooting very much but for different reasons. AND I don't have to get all kitted up to do it - I just turn up in jeans and a T-shirt if the weather permits.


We do what we enjoy.

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Death from below.


I would imagine that your post was done tongue in cheek. If not, it is the running for "dumbest post by a newcomer". I think you could win. Each to his own discipline. Both require skill and not everyone has access to game shooting.

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Surely one helps the other and vice versa.


You cannot go out and practice pigeon shooting, but you can go to a clay ground and shoot unpredictable clays. I shoot clays at about 6 different local clubs and also 2 or 3 established grounds as well as wildfowling and game shooting.


I do not do much pigeon shooting as I do not have much local permission, my nearest one is an hours drive away.


Shooting at all the different clubs and grounds ensures that I do not get set in the ways of shooting predictable birds, they are always different and only limited by the imagination of the people setting them up.

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If you enjoy shooting clays shoot them, if you like pigeon shooting, then do that, if you like both that great. I do both and cant see any reason why they cant go hand in hand, some people like to play Rambo with small animals, if killing a pigeon gives you a buzz then i think you should not have a shotgun. To enjoy killing is one step closer to being a danger to the public. There is a massive difference between thinking that was a good shoot and a job well done, and someone who just enjoys killing. Clay shooting is a skill, Pigeon shooting is a skill, both have there merits and i personally find shooting pigeons and rabbits much easier than some clay shooting. I think a little jealously is your problem (Original Poster) Did you turn up at a clay shoot with full camo gear on and a camo face mask and get laughed off?. I suffer terrible from idiots spoiling your sport, killing ducks and cats, killing doves etc, kids with air rifles, all the in the name of pigeon kulling. Never had a problem with a clay shooter trying to kill my animals. The few spoil your sport and you must act above them to ensure land owners dont just kick you off.

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I am also assuming its a "tongue in cheek" wind-up.


The aim of most shooting is to hit the target, whether its a clay, pigeon, deer, target, whatever.

The good shooter practises their skills to do it properly and consistently.


I know predominantly clay shooters, who are top shots on live quarry and vice versa.

There are others that struggle on both.

The common factor is that we are all shooters and should be left alone to enjoy all our chosen disciplines.

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Hands up....It was a bit tongue in cheek. And having read the post it is a bit obtuse...I've been on the beer all afternoon....watching the toon draw with chelsea....humble pie...I do sound like a bit of a bell end...it was written with a devil in my back pocket....and does sound a bit niave.....and yes all disciplines should be respecte.....I really do sound like a clay basher(mungler I reckon you could be right....still love your boxing cat though).


But if any clay shooters whohave not tried filed shooting shoul be tempted....please try....it is brilliant.


Off for a black coffee




:lol: (tongue in my cheek)

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Lets face it, most clay shooters cannot face it in the field and are looking for an easy option. don't get me wrong 'cause Ilike a bacon butty and a cup of coffee but this is a pigeon site....most of the clay pigeon type i see don't have a clue about field craft and only seem interested in beating scores on a sterile clay site.....eahc to their own but clays don't come near to proper field sport when it comes to satisfaction and skill


opinions on a psotcard pleae.





had to answer this one.

I have shot in the field not hidden in a hide with a load of decoys out. i am talking real field craft.

now I just shoot clays.

we get a lot of field shooters come to our clubs when it out of season.

most of em couldnt hit a cows *** with a banjo.

god knows how many animals and birds they wound and can't find.

clay shooting is an art some just can't master.



If you enjoy shooting clays shoot them, if you like pigeon shooting, then do that, if you like both that great. I do both and cant see any reason why they cant go hand in hand, some people like to play Rambo with small animals, if killing a pigeon gives you a buzz then i think you should not have a shotgun. To enjoy killing is one step closer to being a danger to the public. There is a massive difference between thinking that was a good shoot and a job well done, and someone who just enjoys killing. Clay shooting is a skill, Pigeon shooting is a skill, both have there merits and i personally find shooting pigeons and rabbits much easier than some clay shooting. I think a little jealously is your problem (Original Poster) Did you turn up at a clay shoot with full camo gear on and a camo face mask and get laughed off?. I suffer terrible from idiots spoiling your sport, killing ducks and cats, killing doves etc, kids with air rifles, all the in the name of pigeon kulling. Never had a problem with a clay shooter trying to kill my animals. The few spoil your sport and you must act above them to ensure land owners dont just kick you off.

good on yer oozle

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DFB, you want to get yourself to a nice mixed local friendly club - come to Big Al's on the Rayleigh Road on Saturdays and at the Stock scrap yards on Sundays.


The Sunday shoot is mainly field shooters getting their eyes in - plenty of camo and semi autos there :lol:


Indeed, I shot my first round with my Mossberg pump action and put in a 32/50 on a tricky set up. Only managed 41/50 on the second round with the F3.

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