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Tree I.D


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Looks like yew to me too.


There was a lot like that in a woodland we went to look at recently in among the spruce.


The nearest yew we spotted was in a churchyard a mile or two away, so we think the berries must have been eaten by birds and the seeds from them deposited in the wood.


That would explain it. We don't have any others round here. :good:

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that's not strictly true - the berries themselves are really rather lovely, but the pip is deadly.

still not worth the risk unless you're in a survival situation though.

They are very nice, slightly gloopy but they taste just like sweets. I've happily eaten loads by sucking the flesh off the seed, but as you say every part of a yew is poisonous except the aril.

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I have got a real soft spot for self-seeded trees. A tiny oak, beech or yew is a thing of incalculable beauty.


In a previous house there were tiny hollies all over the garden. It broke my heart to have to dig most of them up, but I potted up a few of them, and put one in an enormous pot by the front door. I keep meaning to drive past and see if it's still there.


What a soppy old *** I am!



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I have got a real soft spot for self-seeded trees. A tiny oak, beech or yew is a thing of incalculable beauty.


In a previous house there were tiny hollies all over the garden. It broke my heart to have to dig most of them up, but I potted up a few of them, and put one in an enormous pot by the front door. I keep meaning to drive past and see if it's still there.


What a soppy old *** I am!




This one is slap bang in the middle of a footpath, so I'm going to have to dig it up. I'll probably move it to somewhere it won't ever need to be moved again. :good:


Once I've read on up on what time of year is best to do such things,

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As Felly says.. Bucket of water if ground ISN'T saturated already which I doubt.

Should give a nice root ball.

Im guessing the soil falls of as is a self setter,dont stress. Plant in pot with mixture of 75% soil 25% compost. Don't over firm , just nough to remove air from soil/planting. Don't water at all. Not even a trickle. It will freeze and kill sapling.


I've grown lots of native bare rooted plants this time of year for a shoot I beat on .

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