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caught him in the end.


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Well done but we need more details than that :good:

Ok, well this little Charlie was one I thought had either moved on or been shot or lost an argument with a car, I was seeing him regular on a block of ground just under 450 acres usually in different places each time with the same old story, flash of eyes, lamp off, rifle ready, nightmaster on, just in time to see him trotting off through the nearest hedge! This went on for a couple of weeks and then nothing, no sightings since end of November, the last few times I been out looking it started again and I thought different fox until I had a close up of him last week and sure enough it was the same one, big fella with a black bushy tail but otherwise light in colour. The last few times I spotted him he was in the same field every time, right then time for a daytime walk about to see what's going on? Loads of foxy shaped tracks soon gave the game away and it was time for stealth mode, out with the .223 stick some night vision on it, leave the truck on the farm yard as I had always spotted him driving the farm tracks and get the shooting sticks out. It was very dark last night so was ideal for the creep and peep tactics I had in mind, nothing! Covered the place I had seen fresh tracks and all surrounding area it was a no show so decided to set the sticks up in the best vantage point for that field and wait, I watched plenty of rabbit chasing each other about, spotted some woodcock then I started seeing imaginary fox eyes everywhere! But no real fox. I had to try something as after an hour standing in the middle of a field it was starting to get chilly, this fox had not responded well to calling in the past but it was my only option, I have learned that foxes sometimes react to a call they previously ran a mile from if it comes from a totally different area from where they normally hear it(how many of us call from the same favourite location every time?) and I was in a totally different area so out with the tenterfield and a few quiet calls, then some louder ones then so loud it would have been heard by the dead foxes I had last week! Nothing, so I thought I'll give it 10 min and see, out with the phone, have a look se what's happening on pigeon watch, try and warm up my icy fingers, on with the night vision, there's a fox! It was sat on its butt looking straight at me about 150 yards away wondering what the hell I was doing, I lined it up just as it got up and started moving across and away, in last nights wind off sticks I didn't fancy that, so squeak and hope it doesn't take off over the hill. It heard the squeak, looked straight at me and sat back down facing me, my favourite shot! 62 grain hollow point straight in the Bibb, the thump told me straight away it was curtains. Now the only thing with night vision I find is I can't I'd foxes like I do on the lamp so when I walked over and saw it was the one I was after I was well happy and decided that was that for one night and I'd knock off for the nigh.
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You keep knocking them over foosa.


As an aside a mate told me there is an article in this months Sporting Rifle as to the merits of .204 ruger for fox.


Yep I read it, he seemed to like the .204. The tester talks about the bullet blowing up on contact with a fox causing a massive entry wound? I've never had this happen with anything I load either 32 or my favourite 39g bks, I very rarely get an exit wound on chest shots.

Well done Bud :good: good read :good: atb Terry

Cheers Terry, you been getting out much?
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Well Done Brendan :good: Is that a Diy NV set up

Cheers Dai , yes it is, it's based on davyo's post on here about the easy night vision, once I got the right scope and sorted the focusing on through ir it's a cracking bit of kit, I can shoot out to 200 yards easily. I'm still not used to looking at a screen instead of through a scope though!
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