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OK! I think i am defeated :unhappy: My old 127 feinwerkbau packed in functioning a wile back, guessed the piston seal had gone south, ordered a new seal from them in scotland, Striped the gun to night it was the piston seal it had gone hard breaking up.

Cleaned it up put the piston back in bit of faffing with the cocking leaver dog but went ok.

Spring a bit of vasselene and started to try get the spring down and the trigger block in.

Well i dont know if its me getting old or what but i have managed to build many many air guns over the years but getting the spring down and breach blocl guide trigger assembly in so as you can get the stud in is a nightmare, the safety tang as to be kept in possition while pushing down and trying to line up the thread, just gave up in the end.

I just dont do air guns much, i dont want to get too technical making a compressor frame, but i dont think i can do it without some device of some kind. i dont know anyone with sash cramps and i cant think what else to do. ANY BRIGHT IDEAS PLEASE ??? How can i control this beast of a spring. Its allready tried to kill me twice . :lol: :lol:

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Best thing to do is wash your hands of it and send it to me for me to dispose of it for you.

OK, I can understand your reluctance but just try to imagine the freedom you would experience knowing you no longer have to suffer this burden! Making sense now hey.

Just invite my address details via PM and nobody need know :-)

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Am I missing something here?.....Vaseline?....isn't that highly flammable?

Not when its a tiny bit on the trigger guide tube it will soon get mixed in with the molly grease inside the piston slieve.

Sorted it, cant believe how easy it went together, anothertf pair of hands to screw in the breach bolt made all the difference.

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For a start, fit the safety catch and hold in place with elastic band, this will shear as you fit it.

Are you trying to fit a full length original type spring?

Much easyer to fit a shorter type with less preload, you will need a spring compressor if original spring fitted as they have a lot of preload on them

Best of luck, don't give up, have a rest and go back to it.

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For a start, fit the safety catch and hold in place with elastic band, this will shear as you fit it.

Are you trying to fit a full length original type spring?

Much easyer to fit a shorter type with less preload, you will need a spring compressor if original spring fitted as they have a lot of preload on them

Best of luck, don't give up, have a rest and go back to it.

Yes i did manage it snarepeg i just could not physicaly compres the spring and put that trigger group with the safety tang and get thebig stud in on my own, got two of us on it this morning it flew together. Back to normal now. Spring was original and as good as new no coil closing or anything, still got blue on the guide tube its better inside than it is outside. :)

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If you're anywhere near me Tony R, I have a spring compressor and all the tools, I'll happily do this for you.

N Yorkshire hyflier but thank you very much for the kind offer, i am dsown your way a lot during the wildfowling season so you never know. Saturday affternoon if i had known this would have hit the A1 down to you, as smnarepeg says the feinwerkbaus spring as some serious tension on it yet its a easy gun to cock. But the old saying MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK. :) should be ok for another 40 years now.

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I've done a few of these, I use a couple of zip ties to hold the safety catch mechanism in place, then snip them away as the block enters the cylinder.


You're absolutely correct, the spring does have some serious tension. I recall the apprehension as I started to wind the new spring in, only relaxing when the spring guide and block slid into place inside the cylinder. Very powerful and superbly engineered, no wonder Underdog wanted to dispose of it for you :lol:


Underdog........ You're a bad man :yes:;)

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I have had it over 40 years been briliant, just one of those when you need an air rifle just go get it sort of guns. Never missed a beat untill the seal dissintergrated, it just started going off target one day, then i noticed a bit of smoke and then it lost power the seal just crumbled could break it up with your nail easy.

Spring was like new just no point in replacing it, as it. The cocking effort is quite low but that spring. :yes:

It needs a re black mostly barrel and the stock laquer as been flaking off for decades it is soft you can scratch it back to wood with a credit card , i just used it will have a go at doing it up i think. Its a bit good to just race and raly like we do.

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  • 2 months later...

HELP! My old Feinwerkbau was working great, my young lad as been using it a bit Ratting of late taking it out instead of his HW 99 , All was well but my eldest lad just walked in the barn with some lame story about stripping this gun to grease it. :rolleyes::no: .

Well what was a complete gun working great this morning is in bits AGAIN not three months after i replaced the seal.

He is 18 and should no better than to have let the youngest do this but hey ho.

Everybody is stood looking at one another then i worked out why.

The three musketers had decided to try and build it back up after the grease up of the spring which was greased up anyway, And cross threaded the rear Stud that holds the whole show together, the vthread on the stud looks not bad but the trigger block thread for the first 3 or 4 mm is pretty butchered. its not a straight screw in now no way and was Hard enough to get together under tension before.

Any ideas what to do it looks a finish cycle thread to me, and i thought about just drilling down to the start of ok threads, any other ideas here . Not a happy bbunny at the moment ive had this thing years them three monkeys are good at wrecking things but its generaly me who ends up having to fix em. :rolleyes:

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