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To Hull and Back (Hopefully).


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Sent my HW100 back to Hull Cartridge, well the gunshop did. The stock looked like Wolverine had carved it, HC would not send another stock to the RFD and so I took it back there, they were instructed by Hull Cartridge to send it back. Owned the gun for precisely 17 days and that stock in the sunshine looked like it had been finished by Razor Wire. I now await their verdict.


Should it be unfavourable then the gunshop can have it back. I do not fork out £700 for seconds quality woodwork!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Bruno I tried to get HC to send the supplier of the gun a stock, so he could swap it over in his shop. The mechanism is brilliant, the stock ****. A bit like buying a new car to find one of the alloys has finishing marks on it.

Do you want to send the whole car back to the factory or just get them to supply a replacement wheel?

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You are not sending anything back to the factory - you are sending it back to the dealer, Mole. Your consumer rights are the strongest in Europe and with an item being so new you should have walked back into the sellers shop and told him to replace your gun with a brand spanky new one - yours is not the hassle of ringing HC or anyone else for that matter - up to you at the end of the day but you are without a gun that you paid good money for and your dealer is off the hook when this matter is 100% down to him.

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  On 08/04/2016 at 19:34, old man said:

Mole, bruno is correct, your contract is directly with the shop you bought it from.


Legally their problem to sort out, you have muddied the water?

No, I tried to get it so that I could get it sorted out at the shop. Shop rings HC, describes problem, told to send it back under warranty.


I wanted a stock at the shop so stock could be changed, I could keep my gun, they get faulty gunstock back.


Not muddying the water at all, just HC are **** at customer service. Compared to someone like Edgar Brothers, HC treat the end customer like an inconvenience, or a public convenience. They do not want you to complain, I can honestly not understand why Weihrauch deal with HC at all, mind you matches the quality of the guns I suppose!

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Mole lads are saying the shop should have just exchanged your gun stock for one off a new gun or exchanged to full gun for a new one. Without you having to ring HC or email anyone else etc.


Can see that you want the fastest easiest option of new stock in dealer and swapped. It would have been just as quick to ask dealer for a full new gun as is your rights.

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What you guys don't seem to understand is that the mechanism was superb, it was brilliant, smooth, Weihrauch at the peak of their powers! It seriously was 11.7 ft lb on the nail and capable of shooting the balls off an amoeba at 30 metres. All I wanted was a new stock. I tried to arrange that after speaking to the shop and making them aware. I tried to get a stock in, he tried to get a stock in.


Quality at Weihrauch can be very hit and miss, people have no end of problems with 100s leaking, not indexing smoothly, the Elite trigger having problems from the off, This had none of that.


Would you trade an otherwise superb car for one wheel having machining marks?

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  On 08/04/2016 at 22:35, secretagentmole said:

What you guys don't seem to understand is that the mechanism was superb, it was brilliant, smooth, Weihrauch at the peak of their powers! It seriously was 11.7 ft lb on the nail and capable of shooting the balls off an amoeba at 30 metres. All I wanted was a new stock. I tried to arrange that after speaking to the shop and making them aware. I tried to get a stock in, he tried to get a stock in.


Quality at Weihrauch can be very hit and miss, people have no end of problems with 100s leaking, not indexing smoothly, the Elite trigger having problems from the off, This had none of that.


Would you trade an otherwise superb car for one wheel having machining marks?

mole hope you get it sorted but if you think the HW100 mech is smooth it must be because you are used to hatsans, they are no where near as smooth as the s510 mate, I was quite shocked at how poor the mech on the hw,s were to be honest, they work and they also shoot well but the rifle is no where near the quality of the ultimate sporter/s510, sorry to say it but you would be better getting shut and getting the s510 buddy,,

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Hopefully it gets sorted for you. What a bad taste and experience this all leaves you with. You buy a lovely new rifle get all the excitement of planning a bit of shooting opening and admiring the product and this happens is so total **** . Maybe just maybe it comes back with a a stock thats better than average, least they could do.

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  On 08/04/2016 at 23:19, evo said:

mole hope you get it sorted but if you think the HW100 mech is smooth it must be because you are used to hatsans, they are no where near as smooth as the s510 mate, I was quite shocked at how poor the mech on the hw,s were to be honest, they work and they also shoot well but the rifle is no where near the quality of the ultimate sporter/s510, sorry to say it but you would be better getting shut and getting the s510 buddy,,

No Evo it was equally as smooth as a Hatsan, I do not like the magazine system on the Air Arms, I do not like the gun, rather than own a 510 with a prejudiced mind I would rather have a gun I like (I found Air Arms customer services to be even worse than HC when the wife owned a T200). Besides is the S510 regulated? I don't think so! The 100 is despite the claims of Weihrauch...


Air Arms hold no fascination for me!

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  On 09/04/2016 at 07:05, secretagentmole said:

No Evo it was equally as smooth as a Hatsan, I do not like the magazine system on the Air Arms, I do not like the gun, rather than own a 510 with a prejudiced mind I would rather have a gun I like (I found Air Arms customer services to be even worse than HC when the wife owned a T200). Besides is the S510 regulated? I don't think so! The 100 is despite the claims of Weihrauch...


Air Arms hold no fascination for me!

your loss, but in 12 months time don't complain to us about you slicing your finger on the action where the mag enter,s it becomes like a razor edge,


best of luck with it but something tells me you wont be happy,, as you have never been happy with any rifle except hatstands ,,, new or s/h


I wish you the best of luck,,,so I,ll just sit in the sidelines with everyone else waiting for the complaints to start :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:





is the S510 regulated? I don't think so! The 100 is despite the claims of Weihrauch...


mr mole sorry to inform you but the HW100 does not have a regulator fitted inside,, I think you need to do some proper research my friend,weihrauch speak MOSTLY the truth


it is a fact stated by the UK's Weihrauch importer that the HW101 (and HW100) do not have an air regulator fitted. A fact.


it basically has a series of washers


the HW100/1 is no more ‘regulated’ than, for instance, an ex-factory Air Arms S410; it’s just that the HW100/1’s valve release system (for want of a better, collective description) does it with a much greater consistency throughout the usable charge. But it is not an air regulator, simply a very consistent valve system. If you want to describe its washer-system an air regulator, then you’ve really got to refer to all PCPs as being ‘regulated’ as they all release a certain amount of air when the hammer strikes the valve. ‘Air metering system’ would, perhaps, be a better description.



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Evo I think we've all upset him telling him to exchange the rifle. He's grown fond of the new German frauline but not the cheap dress she was wearing, when she gets her new off the peg dress it'll be love again.


Hope it all turns out great for Mole :good:

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  On 09/04/2016 at 16:48, evo said:

your loss, but in 12 months time don't complain to us about you slicing your finger on the action where the mag enter,s it becomes like a razor edge,


best of luck with it but something tells me you wont be happy,, as you have never been happy with any rifle except hatstands ,,, new or s/h


I wish you the best of luck,,,so I,ll just sit in the sidelines with everyone else waiting for the complaints to start :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:





is the S510 regulated? I don't think so! The 100 is despite the claims of Weihrauch...


mr mole sorry to inform you but the HW100 does not have a regulator fitted inside,, I think you need to do some proper research my friend,weihrauch speak MOSTLY the truth


it is a fact stated by the UK's Weihrauch importer that the HW101 (and HW100) do not have an air regulator fitted. A fact.


it basically has a series of washers


the HW100/1 is no more ‘regulated’ than, for instance, an ex-factory Air Arms S410; it’s just that the HW100/1’s valve release system (for want of a better, collective description) does it with a much greater consistency throughout the usable charge. But it is not an air regulator, simply a very consistent valve system. If you want to describe its washer-system an air regulator, then you’ve really got to refer to all PCPs as being ‘regulated’ as they all release a certain amount of air when the hammer strikes the valve. ‘Air metering system’ would, perhaps, be a better description.



Well I chronoed the 100, between 11.8 and 11.6 ft lb with most banging out at 11.7 ft lb, 140 shots, all over 11.6 ft lb, then fell off like a dropped brick. It has a regulator no matter what HW claim! Washers can be Belleville Washers, which basically are a regulator!


So that is 140 shots with a .2ft lb spread and you tell me it is not regulated?

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  On 09/04/2016 at 19:48, secretagentmole said:

Well I chronoed the 100, between 11.8 and 11.6 ft lb with most banging out at 11.7 ft lb, 140 shots, all over 11.6 ft lb, then fell off like a dropped brick. It has a regulator no matter what HW claim! Washers can be Belleville Washers, which basically are a regulator!


So that is 140 shots with a .2ft lb spread and you tell me it is not regulated?

mole that is correct,,,, I,m telling you it does NOT have a regulator fitter BUT if yours does then its a keeper because weihrauch and myself have BOTH told you it does not have a regulator,


my hw100kt over a full charge had a spread of 24fps which I must admit was very consistent indeed BUT it does NOT have a regulater as such just a series of washers, which certainly do there job

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Whether they have a regulator or not, they are very consistent. Like Moley's, mine was within 0.2 ftlb every time I Chrono checked it. Fantastic rifle. Hope you get it sorted soon. But as others have said before, the retailer should have carried the can as per the law, and offered a replacement or refund. Then the retailer can sort it out with Hill Cartridge who in turn......................

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  On 10/04/2016 at 21:23, evo said:

mole that is correct,,,, I,m telling you it does NOT have a regulator fitter BUT if yours does then its a keeper because weihrauch and myself have BOTH told you it does not have a regulator,


my hw100kt over a full charge had a spread of 24fps which I must admit was very consistent indeed BUT it does NOT have a regulater as such just a series of washers, which certainly do there job

Oh yeah?



So Best Fittings are selling Scotch Mist are they?

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  On 11/04/2016 at 19:21, UKPoacher said:

Could be in here somewhere...........


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HW 100 Seal Kit .177 Calibre, contains the seals and valve stem for the regulator/valve assembly only.





Beat me to it!

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so where is this regulator as you did say the HW100 has a regulator fitted,


people just wont listen will they ,


I cant believe that even the people who have designed and built the rifle have told you NO REGULATOR IS FITTED, but you just don't believe them ???


well never mind , but you wont change mine and weihrauchs mind ,

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HC have stated in several journals that the HW100 does NOT have a regulator fitted - but what it does have is a system using washers that Regulate the pressure - so the cycle of the HW100 is regulated but not by a "typical" regulator per se. Thus the HW100 does have a regulated pressure system but does not have a regulator.

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