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Good Result on Clover


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After a hectic period on drillings, the pigeons switched to rape and clover on my patch. Our syndicate is on a mixed farm with a large acreage of grass fields. I had watched pigeons progressively build up all week on a block of sheep fields and decided to have a try yesterday. The flight line had been very obvious all week and I had mentally built the hide on a number of occasions. The wind was a biting Northerly and I was grateful to get myself tucked into some thick whinn bushes with the wind behind me, on top of a sloping grass bank. The 6 dead birds on cradle stuck out like sore thumbs on the grass and after I walked over 500 from the adjoining fields, starting at 1pm, I immediately shot 6 in no time. However it became very obvious that the strength of the wind was pushing the line to the bottom of the field and if wanted to make a bag, I had to move. So I upped sticks and set up slap bang under the line. I had a brilliant 2 hours shooting where the birds decoyed superbly. The first shot was usally a gimme but such was the strength of the wind, I only made 3 doubles as the birds flared a alarmingly on the wind. Then at around 4pm they just stopped coming. I stuck it out for a further hour then called it a day. I picked 57 pigeons and 10 mixed crows, including a very satisfying left and right at corbies which the farmer was particularly chuffed about as he's had bother with them pecking his ewes and lambs. The picture shows some of the bag before I trawled the surrounding ditches. (Presentation is moderate)I'm hopeful the fields may shoot again in the coming weeks.


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clover is a magnet for the pigeons a farm i shoot once grew it as cattle feed i walked into it one day many years ago to see pigeons dropping into it shot a passing bird and knocked a floater up with a branch and some old rusty fence wire,in the couple hours that followed i shot 80 birds and missed as many in a strong wind a day ill never forget,no lugging tons of gear for handfull of birds just a simple floater ...sometimes your just in right place at right time .

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