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Travellers permanent site


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It's very difficult to be objective or constructive about this subject - try defining Gypsies or travellers for a start.


I would suggest that most base their opinions on those that we either meet or come across.


Close to where I live there was a piece of land that was used as a large allotment, and this was sold on to a travelling family.


The new owner had no planning permission, but chose to build himself a house on the site. No planning permission, and yet due to continual appeals against the local council nothing was done.


He had 'permission' to have a caravan on site, and then this was then stretched to three, and a then 10 or so. A toilet block was built - without planning permission of course.


Resident dwellers move in and out with their white vans, undertaking landscaping and gardening work etc. There has been several appeals by the council against this (paid for by you and me) and the owners have duly protested (paid for by you and me of course).


The site is kept clean and tidy, but it sticks in my throat every time I go past. Why - because you and I would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting away with the same.


I have little doubt (I must stress based on nothing but my own cynical nature) that the correct amount of taxes are not being paid by the said dwellers, and so they sponge on local facilities such as schools and the NHS. TV programs that I have watched would all indicate that this is so - in a similar way that parasites exist in every community if they can get away with it.


The local council have to designate a 'fixed and permanent' site for said dwellers, but refuse to say where it is going to be. Hopefully not next to where I live, as I also drive past travellers sites that would disgrace a Neanderthal settlement. Perhaps I am being negative, as regulation of said sites may be an answer, but by their very nature travellers do not like regulation (unless it suits them).


I have to state very firmly that I don't know the answers to this subject - may I suggest that if proven that they do not contribute to the local community and facilities then caravans and vehicles be crushed in a similar manner to drivers that have no insurance, as surely the same principles apply - they don't pay, so they shouldn't have any benefit. This latter example seems to be working as I am told that there are now fewer drivers on the roads with no insurance.

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Aberdeenshire Council has given retrospective planning permission for an illegal site of permanent buildings next to St Cyrus nature reserve.The world has gone mad! A house built there( you would never get planning permission ) would be worth a fortune, but ****** get it for nowt! next they will be complaining about legal goose shooting ( or joining in illegally.)

Unbelievable! This is the site they arrived at on a Friday at 4pm, with bulldozers, diggers and trucks and proceeded to create their own park over the course of the weekend and the (holiday) Monday, so nobody from the council was even available to start doing anything until Tuesday and by that time a gated park had been created.

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Unbelievable! This is the site they arrived at on a Friday at 4pm, with bulldozers, diggers and trucks and proceeded to create their own park over the course of the weekend and the (holiday) Monday, so nobody from the council was even available to start doing anything until Tuesday and by that time a gated park had been created.


That's the method.

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How can they be travelers and have a permanent camp?


Keep em moving so the crime rate rise can go back down to normal. If they want a permanent site I'm sure councils have some land they can't do anything with out the way of towns and other residents they could settle them in.

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So when you say most,you meant a few.

No the hard core Irish Travelling community are all one big extended family, literally, they have inbred for centuries and are all related to each other, many times over. They are a separate people, they don't speak Gaelic they have their own language (Gamon) and DNA evidence is that they are decended from the Vikings and hold virtually no Celtic DNA at all meaning they have lived and bred apart from the rest of the Irish for seven hundred years.


After the establishment of the Republic they were systematically excluded from Ireland by persecution but sometime around the 70s, partly in response to oppressive changes in the law in Ireland regarding itinerates, they started buying up land in Limerick where it was very cheap and now own large tracts.

Edited by Vince Green
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