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CHEAP Aftermarket extended steel shot choke tubes that work.


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Brownells uk are listing colonial arms super steel extended aftermarket choke tubes for 23 quid.

These tubes in my experience work very well, i use a super steel extra full in one of my guns and can see no need to change it its that good.

Anyone uncertain about the worth of an aftermarket tube over a standard choke and wanting to try one without spending too much money, could do a lot worse than try one of these choke tubes, they are conciderably cheaper than briley tubes which are probably the most comonly encountered aftermarket tube over here, and in my opinion the colonial arms tubes are superior on the pattern board.

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If only it could work like that, if i could get the same results with the factory choke tubes that came with the gun i would not buy any aftermarket choke tubes.

As it is all of the multi choke guns we own have aftermarket chokes of one kind or another in them.

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According to the description they are blued steel and the choke is in the extended part of the choke. The choke is designed to bulge and be replaced. For £23.00 worth a try if they list your gun I couldn't find on for Benelli Crio.

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They list invector plus tubes on the colonial choke and tool company website, i think Brownells uk could well offer more options than the site lists show, could be worth contacting them.

Here is a discription off the CCAT site.

Colonial's tough blued steel extended choke tube is designed to take steel shot abuse, so your barrel doesn't. Steel shot may bulge even the toughest, thickest shotgun barrel at the choke, gradually destroying not only pattern density but the barrel itself. Plus, the battering also jams the choke tube threads into the barrel threads, making removal extremely difficult. Our solution to the problem is Super Steel tubes with the choke beyond the barrel. Made in the USA...

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I just looked on the colonial arms site again, to try and find you a serial number for the invector pluss super steel extra full. But i cant find it now. Must have been a normal invector tube super steel i saw, i cant find a inv plus now.

Must have made a mistake but i wpould still ring tomorrow see whats on offer.

Other option is a briley at about 14 quid more plus postage, or a route i am going for my .425 waterfowl a carlsons two tubbe waterfowl set for 54 quid plus postage from cabellas. Trouble is you 95% chance will end up paying tax on these.

But its still the cheapest option for invector plus by the looks of it. :unhappy:

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Carlsons waterfowl chokes are getting good reveiws by our American brethren. They don't like paying over the odds for no reason, Carlson and true lock are both popular.


I've been hunting everywhere for a recommended Benelli crop choke and even the American wildfowl forums have very little reveiws or recommendations. Briefly do a Buck Gardner series in a set but it's not cheap.

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hello, my armsan 612 is steel shot proof as per instruction manual but it states not to use the screw in full choke ???, if i ever did go duck/wildfowling the odd occasion would one of those colonial arms chokes be more suitable using steel shot and which one, i looked on brownells web site but could not see if one fitted armsans? cheers

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I have extended optima plus Briley chokes for my Beretta. I find the extra full very good for the highest ducks and geese, and the Improved modified is good for slightly closer stuff.

Carlsons waterfowl chokes are getting good reveiws by our American brethren. They don't like paying over the odds for no reason, Carlson and true lock are both popular.

I've been hunting everywhere for a recommended Benelli crop choke and even the American wildfowl forums have very little reveiws or recommendations. Briefly do a Buck Gardner series in a set but it's not cheap.

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All you need to do with silver choke tubes is give them a nice thick coat of stillness. :lol:;)

Brileys work but at best part of 50 sheets a piece, they are strong money, the carlsons are about 54 phuss postage for the two tube waterfowl chokes. its ideal if you have a double barrel gun to kit out.

At 50 you are half way to a muller ufo or a Terror. Brileys for me have priced themselves out of the market place these days, only a few years ago i paid 25 quid for a IM briley in 10ga .745 constriction, they are double that now. :)

Thes mandel chokes sound good, he needs to copy terrors i would buy off him if he did and was not too greedy.

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Been some good reports on the Muller Wildfowl chokes. A lot of money to pay if you find you got the wrong constriction after patterning your gun and carts with one.


I've long been a fan of the Kicks Highflyer chokes because you can just leave it in your gun and shoot any cart type lead or non toxins and size of shot and get good patterns. If the muller ufo gave half choke patterns with lead game and clay carts is be tempted.


Not much in the way of feedback on chokes for the Benelli M2 Crio aftermarket chokes.

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I run a Briley IM in a breda Grizzly and had that same tube in the old sbe 1, patterns are acceptable, i have seen a Muller UFO in a Extrema 1 and it was overall an improvement over the briley in my opinion.

I think if i decided i wanted a better choke tube in the grizz i would get a Muller UFO, I think in your case it will do exactly what you sujested you want from a choke. And the Muller gives pretty close to terror performance on a lot less coinstriction, i am a big terror fan but the mullers are so much easier to get over here through just choking than the SRM choke tubes, bringing them in from the states is not impossible but its a faffat times, and you seldom miss taxes these days.

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