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Pleasant surprise


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Haven't posted for a bit because life has been a bit rubbish recently to say the least. It's still trickling along in the carp lane but the world keeps on spinning. So Friday night the good woman was having a ladies night so I was left to my own devices. I haven't been out for ages so I thought stuff it I'll go and loose a bit of lead into the countryside. Turned up at the farm to find they were silaging where I wanted to park so I parked up in the farm yard, marched off past the farmer on the pit just to say hello and away I went. 200 yards later and ****** me the field was black with crows, right across the other side was a fox, just s fleeting view of her but she was there. I stalked the 600yds to where she was and sat for 45mins watching her and her two cubs sunbathing and then moved on, round the corner there was a couple of leverets playing in grass, then I spied what I thought was a whippet mooching down a track, looked again and it was a mangy fox. Got a shot on him at 150yds but somehow missed! I decided to stalk round to the back of the bog where I saw him head off to. A flash of white and I stopped. Blow me there was a pair of roe. My permission is alive with fallow but I've never seen a roe never mind a roe Buck. I did my stealthiest bit of stealthy sneaking and got into position and waited an age for him to stop flaying the electric fence posts and give me a shot. I shot him, saw him do a wheelie and run off but he was obscured behind a tree and I didn't see if he went into the wood. He'd gone 15yds from where I shot him to where he fell. Lovely little roe Buck. Made me sweat carrying him the half mile back to the farm, up hill! I'm currently trying to turn him into a trophy, I've never done it before and as he was my first ever roe I thought I'd have a go.




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