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Anyone had one of these break on a rifle?


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Hi folks.

I've been having a little trouble for a short while now, while using my CZ 452 in .22lr. Now and again, the bolt wouldn't lift the next round up and into the chamber. Also, when it did, the bolt was a little stiff to close. Not really bad, but enough to give it a good clean, without separating the metalwork from the stock. Anyway, this didn't work with either lifting the round, or closing the bolt. I then decided to separate the stock from the metalwork. On doing so, I see the rear plastic magazine housing securing bolt is very loose, and the plastic magazine housing is broke. So what happened there??

I'll contact the supplier of the gun, as I bought it from them new, and I they should be able to get hold of another from them. I'll probably have to pay... Although from memory, I'm sure the gun had a five year warranty?? It's around 3 1/2 to 4 years old, and had around 1500 rounds through it.

My thoughts are, that the rear bolt came loose, so the magazine housing dropped down a bit. The magazine then wasn't going high enough into the housing, hence the bolt not picking up the round. And after time this force caused the magazine housing to break. That's my thoughts anyhow.....

I'm tempted to super glue it and bolt it back on with a little mild loctite.

What are your thoughts people?




Edited by jam1e
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That just about knocks me out for a free repair CZ 452.

Keep the comments coming folks, as it's experience, that counts!





That just about knocks me out for a free repair CZ 452.

Keep the comments coming folks, as it's experience, that counts!





That just about knocks me out for a free repair CZ 452.

Keep the comments coming folks, as it's experience, that counts!



You don't get ..... If you don't ask.

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My BRNO had the identical part, but steel not plastic.

Never broke.


I'd try gluing it or using an epoxy or similar.

Interesting. I suppose, when you say Bruno, you mean the older "CZ's" ?

I'm going to go with gluing it, and using a little Loctite on the steel retaining bolts. Wait and see I suppose....

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Jamie, if you need a contact at Edgar pop me a PM. I can give you the workshop managers contact for a chat. They are pretty good and my guess is they may be sympathetic to a slightly lapsed warranty.

I also had a bit of warranty work done by Browning on a out of date warranty, they even paid for collection and return! Top blokes there as well :good:

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