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Little buck and a bonus


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Its been hard work this season with regards the roe bucks, the rut hasn't ever really got going in this part of the world with all the wet and windy weather. One of the areas I stalk is also a large game shoot so this time of year is a nightmare as the floor of the wood is alive with pheasant and partridge poults, catching your eye and announcing your presence wherever you go.

This means that my preferred roaming woodland stalking is out of the question and you have to get tucked in somewhere for a wait. One advantage is that there is a single massive pen in this wood that the keeper opens for the majority of the year and which forms the easiest route down to the pasture/crops for the deer. However its obviously closed up now which serves to funnel the deer down rides either side. With this in mind i popped up after work as the forecast was for a dry still'ish evening. I was there by 18:30 an laid out under the first line of trees, looking up the ride and across the pen to the path along the top netting. Nice to be still and quiet, watching the world go by, and for the rifle to be on the bipod which isn't used much in summer due to the length of cover. Just as i'm relaxing in to enjoy the sights and sounds of the evening, slightly resigned to another blank, i caught a flash of ginger, the pulse quickened as i anticipated a buck but out stepped a beautiful young dog fox. As tempted as i was to leave him for the fear of ruining the chance of a buck, the keeper works too hard to let the foxes go, especially at this time of year - so i pulled the trigger and the fox dropped to the 100 grain hornaby .243 at 90 yards.

After the shot I thought i'd head down to the copse where the keeper would come and park before taking the quad out to feed, leave him the fox and earn some brownie points. I heard his pickup as I walked down the hill and as he pulled up to the cabins a young buck ran out 50 yards up the beck towards me. He stopped broadside on the far bank no more than 60 yards and fell instantly to a simple shot off the sticks. Keeper was delighted, couldn't help thinking there was a bit of karma there after shooting the fox - Home with deer in the chiller by 9.


Not the best buck but should be good eating and lovely to be out shooting in the sunshine, can't think of a better way to spend an evening.







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