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canabis, am i missing something ?


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The law is stupid most drugs if they are pure and taken in moderation will not do you much harm the problem is the stuff that people get from drug dealers how do you now that it has been made properly or what rubbish has been mixed with it.


If all or most drugs was made legal and you could if you are over 18 go into a chemist and buy small quantities for your own use it would be both safe and as has been said it could be taxed but the best part of all it would put all of the scumbag grug dealers out of work and if addicted people could get it on free proscriptions then our crime rate would drop and our prisons would soon empty saving us all a load of money.


Do you wear you rose tinted spactacles often?


In you wonderful utopia, giving free drugs to all who want them, would cause all of the drug dealers to find another way to make their illicit money.


Many more people to get in to taking drugs and the general breakdown of society.


Opium for the people, I do hope not!

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Any carp fishing lake in the country. One of the reasons I gave up coarse fishing, either stoners or drunks go fishing these days. The absolute pinnacle was a day, about 13 years ago, when I used to fish the West Warwick Reservoir. Popped my head round the side of a brolly to ask how things had been going and the guy was snorting a line of coke off his fold-up table.




Just, wow.


Rock'n'roll man...


on the dole

fishing yer pole

to get into a shoal

what an a'hole

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Do you wear you rose tinted spactacles often?


In you wonderful utopia, giving free drugs to all who want them, would cause all of the drug dealers to find another way to make their illicit money.


Many more people to get in to taking drugs and the general breakdown of society.


Opium for the people, I do hope not!

Well first of all I did not say give them free to everyone just the people who are addicted to them.


do you think that these drug addicts all work 9 to 5 to pay for these drugs no they steel from you and me to buy them so we have to pay extra insurance to pay for the stuff that they steel.


we have to pay the police to catch them.


we have to pay the NHS to look after them as they are taking dirty drugs.


we have to pay to keep them in prison when they are caught steeling.


when they are not in prison or hospital we have to pay there dole money and housing benefit.


You have to spend money to save money pay for there clean drugs say £100 p/w


lots of better off people can hold down good jobs and still work to pay for it.


less well off people cannot afford to do that so by giving them the drugs that they need not want there is no reason why they cannot get a job.


To my way of looking at it it is a win win situation but it seems that logic is just beyond some people.

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