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Project next week

la bala

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Well on the 27 August i posted a pic of a piece 3mm plate with chalk marks on it, now on the 27 October i can actually say i have finished the project. Why oh why dont manufacturers of electric motors and the like fit brackets, or at least leave a few blank drillings for the provision of such. I did however manage to fabricate and fit my own bracket, I can now say the forge is offically finished.




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Looking mighty fine, look forward to a few shots of it in operation! :good:



Just one more question................................





























....................When are you fitting the wheels?

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Looking mighty fine, look forward to a few shots of it in operation! :good:



Just one more question................................




















You could have a good point, when the bosh and quench tank are full of water, that alone will be in excess of 120lbs :lol:









....................When are you fitting the wheels?

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Ok so now we have a working forge but alas, we sold all the tools some years ago. All i have to work with today is, a ball pein hammer for the knocking bit, a thick lump of stainless for my anvil face, an old drift for my bick (for bending things around), a wire brush and a big adjustable for twisting.

Lets get on.










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Well the only bit of suitable metal i could find in the workshop was a bit of 10mm square bar. Ok lets go for a simple no frills poker. First heat, form the eye for the handle, why?, well it gives you something to hold on to, :lol: Second heat, a twist just below the handle, just whack it in the forge, heat it to yellow, hold it in the vice and twist it with an adjustable, if you are doing a number of twists, count the number of turns and do the same number for your next one, also remember if you are going clockwise or anti clockwise. Third heat, just above pointy end going the opposite way. Fourth heat, a simple taper for the pointy bit.

This poker is no work of art, it was just a littlle quicky piece to try the forge out. Many years ago i would make such things but lots more time would be spent. All the mill scale would be burnt off, they woul have a good wire brushing, would be heated, given a coat of bees wax, back in the fire, more bees wax and would eventually end up a nice burnished black. Oh i also got my slice handle finished. Well with the exception of one more post giving my honest opinion of the forge i have made, thats your lot and thanks for looking in. 2nd class pics will be all over as usual. :lol::lol:






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Well I did say in my last post I would give an honest opinion of the forge. I am not going to say anything derogative about the build because i whacked it together :lol::lol: .

The first light up, well what a pig, started it with kindling as normal gave it a blow, it went out. Second attempt, cut more kindling, moved it an inch forward in the hearth and tried again, kindling going well, introduced some air, wood roaring now but would coke light would it heck. The wood burnt out and that was it. A third attempt finished the same. By this time I was getting well ready to start putting things into orbit around the workshop. As always it was time to stand back and take stock, this means a nice mug of hot tea and a rollup. Right old fellah i said, sort it out, i very often talk to myself in the workshop :lol: . As we havnt had many BBQs this year we have an abundance of charcoal. Fourth light, made a round hole in the coke and laid a bed of charcoal, this i lit and left as you would a bbq, when this was kicking out some heat i introduced the coke with some air, well it roared into life as a forge should. The problem all the way through was the air slide, when i open the air slide only a little air is supposed to reach the hearth, just a soft blow to start the fire off. In my case too much cold air was hitting the fire and putting it out. This was well evident when the fire did get going as i was able to get to forgeing heat with the slide in the open position. Ok i hold my hand up to getting the slide control wrong, but the forge i am well pleased with. The slide control has now been taken off and a speed controller has been ordered for the fan motor. As the forge isnt going to its new owner just yet i have decided i may have a play with it. I havnt much in the way of tools now but did manage to make a small anvil today out of a small slab of stainless steel and some odd bits of angle. I may make some tongs if i remember how.



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A great thread with a happy ending, I, and I'm sure many others aspire to make stuff and with leaders such as yourself to guide us we get the confidence to try new things. I don't know if I'll ever build a forge but it has been a privilege to observe it being done, warts an' all thank you Sir

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Would you believe it, i am sitting here waiting for a third speed controller to be delivered. Hopefully the one coming today will do what it is supposed to do, I cant fault the suppliers one bit, they couldnt be more helpful. If all goes well i hope to turn these two pieces of 16mm mild steel bar into flat bit tongs.


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