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Soft touch carp


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Had a few hours on a local river today. First time in this particular area so I started off for what I thought would be there; i.e. barbel. Got two small ones to 10mm pellets. They hardly put a bend in the 2lb tc rod so I swapped to a much softer action 1.5lb tc quiver tip rod that is perfect for such things. First cast I hit something that felt more substantial and after successfully keeping it out of the submerged tree just upstream the 4lb hook link parted as we got to the under rod tip bout. Bah!


Next cast, same rod and the tip just rattled a bit like a small chub was pulling at the fake maize. I've never had a fight like it - the fish played me, rather the me playing it. After twenty five minutes I still hadn't seen it, but at least I'd got some line back on the reel. After the first run I could see daylight between the spokes of the old Speedia It tried to get into the upstream tree at least three times and the rod was buckled over from the butt as I stopped it getting there. Then we had the usual river carp gloves off bout under the rod tip. With these fish it often takes longer to get them in the last two yards than the fifty they've taken off the spool. Eventually I got the net under it...............




Just over 18lb, but boy, what a scrap! :)


Then I got trashed again this time on the heavy rod. Another tremble of the tip. I struck and the fish ran straight downstream through the fallen tree and out the other side. You win some........................... :unhappy:


I've already got the tackle and tactics sorted for next time.


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Carp are naturally river fish. They were initially put into ponds for farming reasons and latterly for fishing. The rivers over here and increasingly in the UK are snided with them. I was hoping for some decent barbel as the swim seemed perfect for them although barbel over 5lb are pretty rare in this area. But after a couple of hours the other fish got muscled out of the swim by the carp. In the same river, but lower down the carp run to 50lbs. I reckon the ones in the swim I fished might go to low twenties.


We are going away for a week in a few days, but once we are back I'll be down there with more appropriate tackle. Funnily enough all my heaviest river carp have been taken on maize or sweetcorn.

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