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Which gun would you choose


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3 shot auto 12g breatta silver pigeon dont really know why just always wanted one!

:D Does this company "breatta" make a 3 shot auto silver pigeon?


I know that Beretta make an excellent O/U called the Silver Pigeon and also excellent 3 shot semi-autos in the 391 range.


If i was going to a farm that i didn't really know what to expect then i would take my A391 semi-auto multichoke which i find the best allround gun i have ever owned.



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3 shot auto 12g breatta silver pigeon dont really know why just always wanted one!

Mighty fine gun that.........I've got one in single barrell over-and-under with the side-by-side mod done. lovely wood, got the synthetic version :D:/:huh::/:D:/:/

:/ Brilliant DED, can't stop laughing. :D:/:D


P.S. have you tried the one with the Hushpower silencer fitted?




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3 shot auto 12g breatta silver pigeon dont really know why just always wanted one!





I was going to put together one of my underhand snide wee wee taking post's . But i can't be bothered .... So this will have to do ....................

PD ... You are a fraud mate .. You'll do better Pi$$ing off and playing with your toy cars !!!



all the best yis yp :rolleyes:

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I would take a 303 beretta semi auto, great killing gun. :rolleyes:


I had to make sure i spelt beretta right there, is that ok Y.P. :D:huh:

Oh by the way P.D. it wouldn't be up to you to throw anyone of the site, they have been on it a lot longer than you.

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I like playing with my toy cars unlike putting over large dildo's up my *** like you, all you do is rip the **** out of everyone on this site. i bet you dont know **** all about shooting, if it was up to me i would throw you of this site. ********



Bit by bit


" I like playing with my toy cars unlike putting over large dildo's up my *** like you "


I think P.D if you used punctuation (check out this site http://www.grammarbook.com/ ) Your point might have come across a bit better.As in :-


"I like playing with toy cars. Unlike putting , over large dildo's , up my *** like you ! "

My reply is as follows


One day my son you too maybe happy with your sexuality. Besides what i do within the confines of my own home are private , and between myself and my partners.


"all you do is rip the **** out of everyone on this site "


Your quite right ! I do have a couple of rules that i abide by when posting though. The first one is :-


I don't suffer fools gladly. Hence "fools" will get a terse reply


I also try to be polite in my "ripping the ****" out of people.


But P.D. if you can't take the heat don't stand quite so close to the fire !


" I bet you know **** all about shooting "


You are quite correct ! But i do know a couple of things :-


The first being , i know all about missing "stuff"

The second is , I know how to spell the names of the guns i "claim" to own . Not only that i can spell BERETTA a gun that has never graced my gun safe.


"If it was up to me i would throw you off this site ******** "


Your quite right on this one . But where else could my great wit be read :D


As for the Rude word at the end . I can not even begin to think what you ment by it , but i will accept that you are quite correct in your assumption . An not only that i am proud to be one but you spelt it wrong lol .


all the best yis yp :rolleyes:

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