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Refurbishing old gun


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Hey guys. Just curious if anyone can give a ballpark figure to get an old hammer gun completely overhauled i.e. stripped and serviced,barrels and action reblacked, woodwork restained and checkering recut?

Basically, to bring an old gun back from poor condition to as good as can be expected. Also to repair or replace one of the hammers. Realise it's hard to say without seeing it but just to give me a rough idea and if anyone can recommend a company to do the work?

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Impossible to say accurately without seeing the Gun - whereabouts are you and what gun is it? Welding a Hammer would not break the bank but a replacement pair would be wiser if you can find some. Stripping her down is easy and you can do this yourself - the locks can be soaked in WD40 and left overnight before cleaning with high pressure air ( if you know an airgun owner with a tank - job done) and lightly oiled, they shouldn't need much more. Depending on the condition of the barrels then "barrelblacker" on this forum has an excellent reputation and charges around the £100 mark, Woodwork, again depending on condition and desired finish, is hard to quote but I normally pay less than £150 for a quality job. Put some pics up and let's see the old girl :)

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Hi, please feel free to get in touch regarding re-blacking your action and barrels. As for woodwork, Welshwarrior on here is your man! His work is outstanding and he's a sound guy to deal with. Whatever you choose, good luck with it.

All the best.



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To make a good job The gun should be checked by a good gunsmith who knows his job ,if it is off the face or badley pitted in the bore then these will have to be removed and the barrels smoked back onto the face and reproofed providing there was plenty of wall thickness..For cosmetic it all depends how traditional you intend to keep the gun ,if the barrels are damascus then they should be browned if they are steel they should be Birmingham black and not the glossy black you see on modern guns today. the action should be case hardened fire black which shows the different colours from a pale to deep colour.Has for the stock it all depends on tradition it can be stripped back to the bare wood and oil finished and recheckered or it can be genrerally cleaned and reoiled , I am not too keen of rechecking I think it should be just cleaned to me nothing feels worse than the feel of crisp recheckering on a gun that is over a 100years old But it all comes down to how you want the job doing and the price it may be more than the gun is worth. It is now over 65 years since I did my first barrel browning and blueing and also stock restoration work but not now .


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Hi, please feel free to get in touch regarding re-blacking your action and barrels. As for woodwork, Welshwarrior on here is your man! His work is outstanding and he's a sound guy to deal with. Whatever you choose, good luck with it.

All the best.




I've had woodwork done by Daf and the man knows he's stuff and excellent craftsman.



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Another +1 for Dan who made an excellent job of taking out dents and reblacking a pair of barrels for me.


Also, must congratulate Daf on the good job he made of a pal's broken stock. It looked to be irrepairable but Daf somehow worked his magic and the gun is back in use once more.


Well done both.

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A good stock finish is has good has the wood to be restored you cannot make a plain piece of wood look like a original figured piece of walnut with a untouched grain I enclose a couple of images on one of many stand of percussion guns with stocks that have only had the dirt and grime removed and reoiled with the original checkering also cleaned and no stains or dyes used .





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