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The big think

henry d

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ho ho ho ~ good topic uncle H.


as most of you will know i'm a vegi so i am coming from my own personal viewpoint here.


i became vegi at approximately 14 or 15 years old because it was the 'in' thing to do. however it suited me and i've never eaten meat since.


i dont eat red or white meat, or fish. and get really pee-ed off at 'vegetarians_who_eat_fish', because technically they are pescetarians. however i eat milk, cheese (i'd DIE without pizza) and eggs; i wear leather (fnarr fnarr :) ); i cook meat for other people however just prefer not to eat it myself. and as far as i can remember i dont think i have ever tried to convert anyone.


if i had a kid, which is NOT happening before you lot start, i would not bring it up vegetarian because i believe diet is one of those things which is a personal choice and should not be inflicted.

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Had this very debate with one of the girls from work today. She thinks its cruel, alongside ANY killing of animals but eats sweets (contain geletene), fish, eggs, milk etc and veggies. After asking her what happened to those products she responded with "veggies are ok". Well....not really, how many farmers shoot animals to protect there crops? So are you not sponsoring such killings? She continues to say I am cruel, barbaric etc for shooting so we agree not to mention it anymore :) she knows she is entitled to her opinion and I respect that, even if its wrong.


At the end of the day, if people are TRUE veggies from an ethical stance there is NOTHING they can eat as at some point of its harvesting an animal will have more than lightly died. If its for taste reasons than fair enough, but can anyone suggest the name for me, afterall I don't like indian so what would that make me? :)

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I know a few veggies and one vegan and the veggies shoot :)


They choose not to eat meat or fish but will take milk and cheese and they have no problem wearing leather and can't see any reasons why others have issues with that.


Do we expect someone who chooses not to eat meat to give the by-products a wide berth?


The vegan is a idiot BTW but aren't they all ?








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Do we expect someone who chooses not to eat meat to give the by-products a wide berth?


Not at all, free choice. Just take exception to people who do that and call themselves vegetarian. Might sound pedantic but its important.


I'd call them people who don't eat meat, which isn't the definition of vegetarian.

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ho ho ho ~ good topic uncle H.


as most of you will know i'm a vegi so i am coming from my own personal viewpoint here.


i became vegi at approximately 14 or 15 years old because it was the 'in' thing to do. however it suited me and i've never eaten meat since.


i dont eat red or white meat, or fish. and get really pee-ed off at 'vegetarians_who_eat_fish', because technically they are pescetarians. however i eat milk, cheese (i'd DIE without pizza) and eggs; i wear leather (fnarr fnarr :) ); i cook meat for other people however just prefer not to eat it myself. and as far as i can remember i dont think i have ever tried to convert anyone.


if i had a kid, which is NOT happening before you lot start, i would not bring it up vegetarian because i believe diet is one of those things which is a personal choice and should not be inflicted.


Oh so that's where the aggression comes from :)

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Lets think of this is a slightly different way.


If a veggie comes to your house do you

a. prepare a seperate meal for them

b. give them what everyone else is having minus the meat


If you go to a veggies house

a. do they serve you meat.

b. give you what they are having

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Hypocrisy in all matters Animal is certainly not resticted to Veggies. Recently, an article by a London based on-line paper (Standard On-line, I think) had loads of tree-huggin' new age types, queing up to slate Dave-Boy Cameroon for saying he enjoyed stalking in the Scottish Highlands'. They were calling him names like: barbaric, cruel & in-human etc.


Penny to a pound says that, the very same people will routinely congratulate themselves for buying "Organic, free range non-intensively farmed meat" from their local waitrose- go figger that one!. Many of whom will live in places like 'Nottinghill Gate' & 'Camden', ironicly on the doorstep of two of London's largest Meat markets (King's Cross WC1 & Sussex Gardens W2). :)

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They choose not to eat meat or fish but will take milk and cheese and they have no problem wearing leather and can't see any reasons why others have issues with that.


Do we expect someone who chooses not to eat meat to give the by-products a wide berth?



That would depend on the reasons they give for not eating meat.

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Just surveying the view from my ivory tower for a minute and a thought struck me. Isn't it lucky for all these yoghurt knitters that they live in such a comfortable affluent society that they can choose not to eat meat, rather than live as millions cross the world do in a position where they cannot pick and choose their diet. If people want to be veges then thats fine but I think it is a choice made from a very safe position.


I shall now proceed downstairs to join the hoi polloi

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They choose not to eat meat or fish but will take milk and cheese and they have no problem wearing leather and can't see any reasons why others have issues with that.


Do we expect someone who chooses not to eat meat to give the by-products a wide berth?



That would depend on the reasons they give for not eating meat.



They just prefer not to and if you believe all the research stating that eating red meat gives you bowel cancer I can accept that reason.


One of them was in a rain forest for 6 months with a tribe and she swears that when you meet a meat eater they stink :stupid:


But she eats carpet so who knows for sure :)





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I knew you would sort the lesbians, just like someone else said earlier!



I don't care who eats what, just that they don't delude themselves and try pulling the wool over my eyes.


Not too much to ask :stupid:

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