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Yard for steam roller in Suffolk


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In the near future I should be the proud custodian of a 1920s steam roller. I have space to keep it at home but it needs some work and it would be better up a farm or similar where an afternoon of belting it with big hammers doesn't upset anyone. Under cover would be ideal but outside would also be fine.


Does anyone know of a farm or yard that offers storage close to Hadleigh suffolk. I can't afford hundreds a month but of course happy to pay something to save upsetting the neighbours.


It is about 13 ton and 6m long by 2.5m wide. Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately things haven't gone as expected, basically we agreed a price but he was taking pounds and I was talking euros...even though the whole time we were discussing it we always said euros!


Anyway left the offer with them and fingers crossed they have as little interest they have the previous 4 months and we can sort a deal.


Unfortunately you couldn't get much further away than north Wales!

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