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UFC 207


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So 13 months have passed and Ronda will soon be back in The Octagon! Again she faces a vicious striker but will the result be the same? Will Nunes batter her silly? Or will Nunes tap out to Ronda's famous arm bar?


I honestly really don't know.


Ronda has been pretty much a mystery for the last year, we don't really know what she has been up to.


What I will say is that if Ronda wins then she will cement herself as a true great of the sport. Coming back from such a brutal defeat as she took at the hands (and feet) of Holly Holmes would be the mark of a true champion.


Then we have Cruz vs Garbrandt. Lots of trash talking going on between the two of them. For me Cody has a puncher's chance of winning but I see Domininc doing his usual effectve evasive style and taking the fight into the deep water of the championship rounds and winning on points.


SuperGoose75 . . . may I recommend the MixedMollyWhoppery channel on Youtube. This guy makes some great videos about MMA. Insightful and funny, and all done in an accent that sounds like he starred in The Sopranos. I think you'd enjoy them as much as I do.

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Yes I have been looking forward to this. More so for the Cruz v Garbrandt Fight.


Ronda gets a lot of hate and I can understand this because of her Bitcheness. But the UFC fan's seem to be a fickle lot.! It wasnt that long ago she was the UfC's mega Star and many loved her.

But like McGregor' once she got defeated many turned against her. I like her and think and also hope she can come back and reclaim her belt.


Has Nunes been really tested..? She took the belt from a Miesha Tate who I said looked liked she had lost her passion and drive for Fighting which she later confirmed to be correct.

The Miesha Tate that Rousey beat twice was a very different hungry Animal than the the Meisha Tate that Nunes beat. Like yourself DM i wouldnt be overly confident in making a predication but I hope Rousey Wins.


Cruz v Garbrandt. I can only see one Winner here and I think Cruz will give the upstart that is Cody Garbrandt a real lesson in MMA fighting. As you say a bit of spice to this one as Garbrandt is one of Fabers Boy's. I couldnt bet against anyman that beat 'Mighty Mouse".


Thanks for the heads up on the youtube Chanel' I will be checking that out.


PS Did you watch the Doo ho Choi v Cub Swanson fight..? What an unbelievable Scrap that turned out to be. I have to say I loved seeing Swanson wipe the smile of Choi's face, Choi came into the Octagon smiling and thinking he was gonna get another handy Big left Win. Boy did he get a big wake up call and had a look on his face after the fight of *** just happened there. He may think twice about who he calls out in future. Was really impressed with Swanson's fighting style in an Amazing fight.

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Yes I have been looking forward to this. More so for the Cruz v Garbrandt Fight.


Ronda gets a lot of hate and I can understand this because of her Bitcheness. But the UFC fan's seem to be a fickle lot.! It wasnt that long ago she was the UfC's mega Star and many loved her.

But like McGregor' once she got defeated many turned against her. I like her and think and also hope she can come back and reclaim her belt.


Has Nunes been really tested..? She took the belt from a Miesha Tate who I said looked liked she had lost her passion and drive for Fighting which she later confirmed to be correct.

The Miesha Tate that Rousey beat twice was a very different hungry Animal than the the Meisha Tate that Nunes beat. Like yourself DM i wouldnt be overly confident in making a predication but I hope Rousey Wins.


Cruz v Garbrandt. I can only see one Winner here and I think Cruz will give the upstart that is Cody Garbrandt a real lesson in MMA fighting. As you say a bit of spice to this one as Garbrandt is one of Fabers Boy's. I couldnt bet against anyman that beat 'Mighty Mouse".


Thanks for the heads up on the youtube Chanel' I will be checking that out.


PS Did you watch the Doo ho Choi v Cub Swanson fight..? What an unbelievable Scrap that turned out to be. I have to say I loved seeing Swanson wipe the smile of Choi's face, Choi came into the Octagon smiling and thinking he was gonna get another handy Big left Win. Boy did he get a big wake up call and had a look on his face after the fight of *** just happened there. He may think twice about who he calls out in future. Was really impressed with Swanson's fighting style in an Amazing fight.


There was a video talking about the opponents both Rousey and Nunes had both fought. They have shared iirc 7 opponents. The difference between them is that Rousey beat them all whilst Nunes had a 4-3 record. Included in that list would be Tate who as you say was a shadow of her former self in the Nunes fight, nothing like the scrapper that Ronda fought and beat. I too hope Ronda wins. Kenny Florian has suggested that whichever way the fight goes Ronda will announce her retirement immediately afterwards. It's certainly a possibility but I for one would like to see a rematch between her and Holly. Not sure how likely that is though with Holly moving up a weightclass.


I was laughing at a Cruz interview where he was saying he'd earnt Garbrandt's gym more money than anyone else, all the while beating fighters from there.


Yes I did see the Swanson vs Choi fight. What an epic brawl it was! Tbh I didn't know much about either of them prior to the fight but I'll certainly be watching their future bouts with interest.


Was Cerrone vs Brown on the same card? That was another (quite literally) stunning fight. Cerrone just looks better and better at 170lbs. Surely he must deserve a title shot soon.


Let me know what you think of MixedMollyWhoppery. I binge watched all the vids over a couple of days. I like that even when he's a fan of a fighter, he's not afraid to criticise them too. You'll see what I mean with his comments about Bisping who MMW genuinely likes. The channel is a definite change of pace from the current crop and the accent just makes it for me. I'd have posted one or two episodes here but he swears too much for this forum.

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I tried searching for the Chanel but could not find it. A link would be good if you can put one up.


Rousey looked in amazing shape at the weigh in, Very Strong.I have a feeling it could be a short night and a short reign as champion for Nunes.Could be wrongbut I fancy Ronda to regain her Belt.Not long now to we find out.


Yeah I think you are correct about 'Cowboy' being on that card an he finished the fight with a leg kick to the neck as I recall.

I didnt know much about Swanson either despite him being a veteran of the sport. I did see Choi fighting a few times though.

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I tried searching for the Chanel but could not find it. A link would be good if you can put one up.


Rousey looked in amazing shape at the weigh in, Very Strong.I have a feeling it could be a short night and a short reign as champion for Nunes.Could be wrongbut I fancy Ronda to regain her Belt.Not long now to we find out.


Yeah I think you are correct about 'Cowboy' being on that card an he finished the fight with a leg kick to the neck as I recall.

I didnt know much about Swanson either despite him being a veteran of the sport. I did see Choi fighting a few times though.

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Well, well, well, quite the surprising night!


Ronda destroyed in such a short time. You could see from the first couple of punches that landed that Ronda was in trouble. All credit to Nunes, a deserving champion. I suspect that she may have put an end to Ronda's career as a fighter.


But the real shock of the night had to be Cody Garbrandt who just dismantled Dominic Cruz. A really slick display of movement and technical striking. No doubt whatsoever that he deserves the belt.






Watch "The Worst Cliche in MMA" not his best analytical video but funny as hell.

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Well I called them two fights well :rolleyes:


Garbrandt really Surprised everyone with his near Flawless performance and Cruz simply had no answers. Totally deserved to get his hand raised. I wasnt to keen on him to begin with but Im pretty impressed with how he handled his Victory. Should be set up for another Spicey fight now with Dillashaw as the challenger


Ronda didnt do aswell as I thought she would. She showed some Heart trying to stay on her feet when she was basically gone but Nunes as a striker is just something else.I think she would do alright in the Mens division.


Thanks for the links lads. I watched a couple of his vid's.He sure puts a different spin on things and is very funny in well put together Videos.Will certainly be watching some more of his stuff.

Edited by SuperGoose75
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