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big bad lindz

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Hi guys,


Does anyone know if there is any walked up or driven shooting available on the Isle of Skye or around the Kyle of Lochalsh area.


As part of my 60th birthday calibrations this year I am going over to the Isle of Skye for a short break in the 1st week of October and my good lady wife has suggested that I find out if there is any shooting available. I have had a look on the WWW and so far I cannot find anything regarding game shooting but I have some details regarding red stag stalking and salmon fishing but I would prefer some game shooting.




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I would imagine there will be plenty of snipe and woodcock mibee even duck and geese shooting, but u might be a bit on the early side for the bigger numbers depending how the full moon falls and wot weather is like further north.


Or treat urself to a walked up day on the grouse or even better a day shooting over a decent pointer, if u enjoy watching a dog work shooting over a good hard hunting pointer/hpr is the best day out u'll have

Ur only 60 once treat urself

Edited by scotslad
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I would imagine there will be plenty of snipe and woodcock mibee even duck and geese shooting, but u might be a bit on the early side for the bigger numbers depending how the full moon falls and wot weather is like further north.


Or treat urself to a walked up day on the grouse or even better a day shooting over a decent pointer, if u enjoy watching a dog work shooting over a good hard hunting pointer/hpr is the best day out u'll have

Ur only 60 once treat urself

Cheers Scostlad, Yea I have thought about a grouse shoot but as I am going over to Skye for the 1st week in October I thought I may be able to fit in some shooting. The hotel I am staying at has stalking & fishing available but I thought to see if there maybe be rough shooting in the area.

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I take it is just u and the mrs?

That might be the biggest problem, most walked up days will be for parties of 4-6 guns ansd even over pointers is usually 2-3 guns unless there is a party already booked looked for a extra gun.


Have u tried asking the hotel? If they selling stalking thy must have some keepeing connections, if the stalker is onl a stalker he could probably point u in the right direction.

I'm sure someone used to advertise in back of shooting times regularly from either Skye or Islay


Ps i was meaning in my earlier post the snipe and woodcock might nt have arrived yet in big numbers by early oct.

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