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Eley Zenith - Shooting Industry Awards Winner

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I've a sneaking feeling that your best chance of an answer is going to be from those who bought cartridges having similar pellets but from a different brand. To that end, here's what Wasabi had to say when he patterned some Hull Pro Game:


"So yesterday I went to pattern test some Hull Pro Game cartridges. I worked out the shot percentage in a 30 inch circle. At 40 yards, measured, I was getting an average of 54% in the circle over 10 shots with 1/4 choke. The 1/2 choke averaged 75%. I can't find the percentages they are meant to throw but is 70% not more like full choke? Is the 54% a bit light for 1/4 choke?"


Unfortunately, from two other members who definitely also got some, one is somewhat tied up and has yet to pattern them and I'm still waiting (damn it) for the gun that they were bought for to arrive.


As you're starting off with quality shot which is then 'plated' which means it should have a smoother ride down the barrel, fly truer and penetrate better when it arrives, this might just be a valid case for 'you get what you pay for'. I suppose the deciding factor is whether or not one believes that the cost is worth paying.

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I don't think copper coating will make a great difference to the patterns, using a certain type of wad yes. Buffered loads have been proven to work.

If copper works it won't be by much as the lead shot is still soft, I think it's just marketing hype, to sell more cartridges. Copper coating has been used many years ago but never stayed popular. Cost is probably the biggest factor.

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Most of the articles I've read about copper-plated shot suggest that any performance benefit to be found is to do with the higher lubricity of copper at the choke, allowing the pellets to pass by each other more easily during the crush and therefore getting less deformed, flying truer, patterning better, etc.


Of course, there may not be any general benefit, except in particular cases. I don't think anyone's shot enough of them to demonstrate a genuine improvement in a representative selection of all guns and chokes. They may never do so. I don't doubt that individuals find that they pattern better than other cartridges they've tried and if that gives them the performance they need / want then it's worth paying for - but as Wymberley implies, it could just be down to being decent shot to start with, or for any number of other reasons. Some guns pattern 40% with one cartridge and 80% with another through the same choke. That's just the way it is, so saying it's all down to copper coating seems a little like a gimmick to me.


Oh - and let's imagine the improvement was exceptional and you put 100% of the pellets in a 9" circle at 90 yards. What the hell would you use the gun for? I mean - there's tight and there's un-shootably tight... :)

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I just asked being nosey, I don`t intend to by any and the other manufacturers are flocking to copy so I thought I would ask what people who have used them think.

Game wise I am sticking with Gamebore Black gold for my 20 bore and the 12 is solely for clays now !


Cheers Arley, thanks for the offer but i wouldn't get use of them :good:





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I have tried Churchill hell fire and wasn't especially over impressed, in fact I preferred gsmebore dark storm which are similar but not copper (according to Churchill). I have shot Hull driven grouse and they kill very well



Friend of mine used a slab of Hulls Driven Grouse on the Grouse he thought they were good but not worth the asking price over normal game loads.

The problem is, Hull have a habit of re-defining the shot sizes so you need to make sure that you're comparing like with like.

Edited by wymberley
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I have tried Churchill hell fire and wasn't especially over impressed, in fact I preferred gsmebore dark storm which are similar but not copper (according to Churchill). I have shot Hull driven grouse and they kill very well


I tried tried an early batch on the poor mans grouse that were loaded in green cases (they're now purple) in 6.5 shot. They now only do them in 5.5 or 6.


No wonder I picked them up at the right money ! :rolleyes:


They killed killed like a train. Darn good I thought.



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