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Security when travelling


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The ideal thing is that no one knows it is there, but this isn't always easy to achieve. Otherwise, the important parts are to prevent it being taken and used.


There are two practical measures that can be taken to prevent it being used, though don't have 'official approval', they do however reduce casual/children 'playing' risk.

The first is the trigger lock, either combination, or key operated. Wouldn't stop a professional for long, but does stop a gun being used 'there and then'.

Barrelbloc chamber locks; not seen these around for a while, but lock into the chamber and prevent a cartridge being inserted.


Bolt removal is very effective for a bolt action gun as it prevents the gun being used, and can be carried/hidden/locked in a suitable small safe box easily, or store in a different location (e.g. car, not hotel room). Forend removal doesn't stop the gun being fired, though most (but not all) designs cannot easily be re-cocked for a second shot(s).


I have also used hotels which have a gun safe, but this can be very inconvenient as access is usually limited to one staff member (who may not always be on the premises).

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