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Night shooting


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Well, after a stressful day at work, I felt that I richly deserved a good nights shooting.

I managed to get out for about 7pm and with a quick zero-ing session - i was off, had a mooch around my usual favourtite spots and bagged 6 (but only found 4 due to brambles etc) decent sized ra's without having to try too hard until the light began to fade.

As the night began to draw in, I figured i'd start back to the car - but i decided to take a route along a quarry track so as not to "over-spook" the quarry in the fields I intend to shoot tommorrow.

Towards the end of the track, I could see HERDS of rabbits making the crossing over the track into the fields from their warrens, and it dawned on me that in the early moonlight I could get a fabulous sight picture through my scope over the track (as it's kind of sandy/limestoney and reflects the moonlight really well) so I made my way over to where i'd seen them and set myself up laying prone in a field abount 30-35yrds out from the track with my flask of lovely coffee and waited.

I didnt have to wait long, 10 minutes and I could see a dark shape moving over the track with the naked eye, a squint through the 'nighteater' (56mm lens and 30mm tubing) revealed a full-size coney which, with the aid of the illuminated reticle (1st time i've used it) duly received a bisley mag to the noggen B) another minute and another similar sized lad fell right next to his mate, followed by a third about 6 minutes after.

I finished there because it did finally get too dark to see clearly and my bag was getting pretty heavy also B)

All in all it's been one of the best nights i've had in a long time, made better by sights such as barn owls flying overhead and deer trotting through the field in front of me.

In a word, im chuffed :good:

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Nice pics and a good story! Well done..Nice to have a night shooting session and not need a lamp. :good:


Cheers, it was a great night. Tried the same thing again tonight - bit too much mist for any responsable shots though ???

will have to take the lamp with me next time :yes:

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