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My journey into the stalking world


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Hello everyone.

Some of you may be familiar with my shooting syndicate thread however having just gained 750 acres of ground to stalk on in Aberdeenshire i thought id start this thread to chart my sucess and failures in pursuing one of natures prettiest animals.

My stalking experience when younger wasnt great to be honest. My dad was part of a heavily shot syndicate and my memories were of being told to "stop making so much noise" and i was never lucky to witness a succesful stalk.

As the years passed pheasants took over our sporting lives and it was in this area i became confident in. Foxes are a huge issue on the syndicate shoot so my old heavy barreled Tikka 243 gets a fair bit of use and can fairly knock them down. My only experience of stalking was when i had been kindly invited to a couple of evenings with keepers which accounted for a single doe and buck giving me a very basic idea on how to gralloch and prepare the animal properly.

Anyway fast forward to a month or so back and having gained our ground I was excited about finally getting out whenever I wanted a getting in amongst the deer!

and that brings me on to my first evening.

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My first night was to begin after work and as the day progressed i think i had imagined evey possible outcome for the evening ahead. We had secured high seats in some fabulous locations and deer were showing everywhere.
My dad and Bob (Two pie) were all going to take a seat each however due to the fact i finish work much earlier than the others i could have a quick scan to see what was showing.
i parked in the farm yard and made the 1/2 mile walk from the steadings towards the first clearing which is at the base of a hill. A wood runs alongside the path and as i approached its end i stopped to glass the clearing. The sudden appearance of a Roe gave me a jolt of excitment and this only intensisfied as i noticed two very short spikes protruding from its skull.
The wind was in my favour so i took up postion with my rifle on top a fencepost and watched as the buck made its way infront of me and stopped infront of a bank about 80 yards infront. I eased the safety off, steadied myself then fired. To my great delight the animal fell on the spot and a sudden rush of addrenaline came over me! i unloaded the empty round and waited for 5 minutes or so to let things settle.
Upon approach the animal had clearly expired and this was confirmed by the eye blink test.
My dad was close to the ground so i gave him a phone and we agreed to prepare the beast back at the farm. Perhaps I should have retrieved my car however I removed the magazine slung my rifle and chucked the wee buck over my shoulder and made the 1/2 trip back to the farm.
I was a bit out of breath and had blood on my deerhunter but I couldn't have been happier!
I gralloched it under the watchful eye of my dad who has his DSC and food hygiene tickets. It had been shot through the heart and had caused minimal meat damage so a great way to begin my solo stalking journey!


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My first night was to begin after work and as the day progressed i think i had imagined evey possible outcome for the evening ahead. We had secured high seats in some fabulous locations and deer were showing everywhere.

My dad and Bob (Two pie) were all going to take a seat each however due to the fact i finish work much earlier than the others i could have a quick scan to see what was showing.

i parked in the farm yard and made the 1/2 mile walk from the steadings towards the first clearing which is at the base of a hill. A wood runs alongside the path and as i approached its end i stopped to glass the clearing. The sudden appearance of a Roe gave me a jolt of excitment and this only intensisfied as i noticed two very short spikes protruding from its skull.

The wind was in my favour so i took up postion with my rifle on top a fencepost and watched as the buck made its way infront of me and stopped infront of a bank about 80 yards infront. I eased the safety off, steadied myself then fired. To my great delight the animal fell on the spot and a sudden rush of addrenaline came over me! i unloaded the empty round and waited for 5 minutes or so to let things settle.

Upon approach the animal had clearly expired and this was confirmed by the eye blink test.

My dad was close to the ground so i gave him a phone and we agreed to prepare the beast back at the farm. Perhaps I should have retrieved my car however I removed the magazine slung my rifle and chucked the wee buck over my shoulder and made the 1/2 trip back to the farm.

I was a bit out of breath and had blood on my deerhunter but I couldn't have been happier!

I gralloched it under the watchful eye of my dad who has his DSC and food hygiene tickets. It had been shot through the heart and had caused minimal meat damage so a great way to begin my solo stalking journey!

Edit photobucket isn't working for me at the moment


PB has changed and think you need to pay to share the pics now although not 100% sure.

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

Something I have noticed is that pulling the trigger is of little importance it's watching nature going about its business that makes it such an enjoyable experience.

The beast was for myself and family so I got an excellent demonstration from one of our game shoot members who is a chef speciallising in game cooking. It was amazing seeing how he went about getting the most from the animal!

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

Something I have noticed is that pulling the trigger is of little importance it's watching nature going about its business that makes it such an enjoyable experience.

The beast was for myself and family so I got an excellent demonstration from one of our game shoot members who is a chef speciallising in game cooking. It was amazing seeing how he went about getting the most from the animal!


Fantastic opportunity that.

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My second solo outing was a morning stalk last Saturday. It doesnt stay dark long up here and upon arrival at the farm at 03:30 it was already light enough to comfortably see through the binoculars.

i walked the same route as i had on my previous visit which was a rough track with barley to my left and a wood on my right. As i approcahed the area where i had shot my last buck i started scanning the clearing for Roe however as i turned to continue on i froze as a Buck was crossing the barley heading towards the path about 30 yards infront! i stood still and watched him cassually cross me and jump the low fence before starting to mark the gorse snd silver birches along the clearing edge.

I couldnt retreat as the wood would block my view and if i advanced i thought he might scent me so with no safe backstop i watched as he went into a large patch of gorse then continued on hoping to catch him later on.

There was plenty of Does on the go but I started to wonder whether I should have pursued the buck for longer. I had planned to turn right at a fork in the road however for whatever reason I turned left. By the time I had realised my error I thought I may as well carry on and see what was on show.

The path steadily rose through a fern covered hill and on my right I could see down into the clearings I had meant to head to from the other path and on my right was large areas of ferns.

About half way along I spotted a Beast however I couldn't identify the sex. I continued on trying to get a better view and made a newbie mistake of forgetting to check elsewhere! I looked to my left and seen a buck standing on the hill about 90 yards away staring at me! I knew if I moved the game was up so I waited to see what happened. He couldn't scent me but wasn't happy and made an escape attempt however I readied the rifle quickly and gave a shout. He stopped just long enough to squeeze the trigger and after running about 15 yards he was down!

Gralloch done it was back to collect the car. On my way back I passed a really foxy looking moss and as I always carry my rubber band caller I settled down and gave a squeak I hadn't even taken the caller from my mouth when a fox was charging towards me! Feeling like the new Roy Lupton I steadied myself and shouted. It stopped front on and ..... click! I had only left the rifle empty after gralloching the beast!

Feeling like an idiot I went and collected the car and recovered the beast. Another memorable morning!


Fantastic opportunity that.


it was and the fillet steak cooked with just salt and pepper and 6 drops of whisky really did end the demo well! Amazing talent








view from the hill


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Hello everyone.
Had another explore around the ground on Saturday evening.
Met my dad at 19:30 and gave him my trusty tikka 243 in exchange for our old Parker hale 22-250 which will be shortly exchanged for a steyr mannlicher 223 pro hunter.
I was keen to get a chance to use my new primos tripod sticks which despite being expensive looked and felt right to me so were duly bought and now all that remained was to justify the hefty price tag with some venison!
I had seen a couple of bucks near a scots pine wood surrounded by wheat fields. I had only travelled for a couple hundred yards from our meeting area when I spotted the younger of the two bucks standing in the wheat perhaps 700-800 yards away.

The wind was in my favour and I decided to attempt to stalk into it and see what would happen. I had a high seat as a back up plan however I prefer to be active in pursuing the deer so I was keen to test my very raw skills!
I managed to get to the end of the rape park next to our meeting place which borders the wheat field where the buck was still standing oblivious to my approach. About 20 yards from the field edge two young roe along with two does were aware of my presence however I retreated back and went around and they seemed to accept my submission and continued to feed albeit more wearily.
The buck was still standing next to a ditch which split the large park in two up the middle. I went up the opposite side however it was difficult trying to stay quiet in the field of crop. Not being familiar with the rifle I wanted to get as close as possible and this proved to be my downfall as the buck suddenly bolted away to my left. I crouched down and tried my best bark impersonation, It did stop however I wasn't happy with the shot so let it continue on.

I tried my buttalo in a last ditch attempt to grab it's attention but it was to be in vain or so I thought.
After a few minutes I retraced my steps back towards the field edge however I got a shock as I seen a nice buck heading rapidly towards me!
It was easily within 50 yards and seemed content to mark the broom which ran along the field edge.
I couldn't get a clear view so decided to climb up the bank to ensure I was getting as safe shot as possible. I couldn't see it and started to wonder whether it had escaped during my position change however just as I had set the rifle onto the sticks it appeared again. I set the hair trigger lined up on the neck and fired. It collapsed on the spot which was satisfying so I held my position for a few minutes before approaching and confirming death.

They seem to be getting bigger and bigger this one being a six pointer with one point almost flattened and its ear torn.
Another great night and another clean kill! 26 and 3/4 years to get one buck and suddenly I have 3 in two weeks! This stalking game is an addictive pursuit!


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shot a really nice buck tonight. I will type up about the evenings stalk tomorrow but still delighted about getting such a lovely animal. Picture doesn't do the head justice!






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shot a really nice buck tonight. I will type up about the evenings stalk tomorrow but still delighted about getting such a lovely animal. Picture doesn't do the head justice!






Fine head.

If you clean it let us know the weight fella.

That view looks maybe from Alford way or a wee bit westerly.Lovely area and big numbers of roe.

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Fine head.

If you clean it let us know the weight fella.

That view looks maybe from Alford way or a wee bit westerly.Lovely area and big numbers of roe.

Cheers! Going to get it boiled and see what sort of weight it is.

The grounds near castle Fraser so get lots of deer coming from the castle grounds which aren't managed.

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