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Marriage question for you all


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If it floats, runs or fornicates, it's better to lease than own, so bin the current one and hire yourself a new one from Russia or the Far East (depending on your flavour choice).


Most of them start out grateful for a roof over their head and indoor plumbing and you can chop her in when you get bored.

Floats, flies or fornicates. If Paul McCartney had rented the highest class call girl in NY every night he was married to HMM, it would have still been cheaper than the divorce and i imagine the journey might been more eye opening....

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Phew! Heavy stuff. I'm nearly on marriage number 3, people change and grow, sometimes in ways that match, sometimes in ways that don't. Talk to each other, don't guess what is in the others head or heart. Divorce with kids involved is pretty crappy to say the least. Good luck.

Edited by getthegat
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I was 50 this year, I go to lots of Metal gigs,Still getting Tattoos, shoot, fish , keep snakes (500), still get myself into silly scrapes (as Mungler will attest, hes my agony Aunt and level headed advice giver) and work hard!!!


My wife is dedicated to our kids, our home and our large collection of dogs. We hardly do anything together due to work time constraints and she is limited what she can do due to illness.


Before the kids we regularly partied and drunk a lot, since kids she grew up ...........I haven't!!!!! and Intend to grow old disgracefully (as the boys from the Bisley trips will attest)


BUT if she said she wanted to try a splff Id be over the moon, ........a little "non compliant" behaviour never hurt anyone, and it would make me feel less guilty(justified) for my behaviours.


In truth I hate smoking but if it made her life that little bit more exciting and "risqué" Id welcome it. She has no issue letting me behave like I do and Id be willing to bet on a shooting forum that you have a similar free reign, so give her a little slack on hers!



and as I sit here writing on a night duty........yes....get your life back on daylight hours....nights can **** up relationships far quicker than drugs!

Edited by Evil Elvis
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Some of these comments should be in the joke section there that good...


Matty please don't think I'm making light of your situation, my wife and I both work shift work including nights so I know how hard it can be as sometimes I don't see her for weeks and we're "ships in the night" we've also got two young children 7 and 4 so when we have got a night off it's not really off as we can't go out(baby sitters are not an option as we use them for work) so what we do is this, on the evening off the children go to bed and it's our time, the TV stays off, we crack open a good bottle of wine and talk about anything, this mostly consists of her talking and me listening but I'm OK with that.... I'm lucky I renovated a house and put a extra large bath in it so we could sit side by side and have a laugh, have some music playing and call it our business meeting time!! Funny now as we made some of the biggest decisions while in the bath, we also had fun which after 15 years together ten of which married is always good... I'm jumping here but I'm a very lucky man, she is undoubtedly nuts, and I'm not being bigheaded when I say this but she's very attractive, you know gets attention everywhere she goes etc, she's well above my league... yet she tells me everything even when one of her very good male friends tried it on with her and told her he loved her, she came home early (works night out) and was more upset that she'd thought she'd lost a friend in him, I do get a little annoyed but I don't show her (only because it's happened a few times and I know them, they also know I'm no push over so why they try I don't know) anyway the point I'm getting at is communication, communication, communication... this is probably not making any sense now as I'm on my 6th "blue moon" by a pool in Florida...


Hope it helps Tedly


Oh and please don't say "no smoke without fire" as I've been there and seen it, even had people try and get between us wouldn't mind but I'm 6'4" and 15 stone and although I'm very nice I'm also very well trained.... leave that to the imagination!! Ha ha

Edited by Tedly47
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Phew! Heavy stuff. I'm nearly on marriage number 3, people change and grow, sometimes in ways that match, sometimes in ways that don't. Talk to each other, don't guess what is in the others head or heart. Divorce with kids involved is pretty crappy to say the least. Good luck.

Living with someone you hate is worse for the kids tho ;) .

I lost mine for 3 months until after court.

Now never happier :) my kids love the Mrs

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