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Working Multiple Dogs all the same colour


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Just wondering how everyone gets on working a load of dogs the same colour and often the same colour as everyone elses?


Must admit I've found it hard to keep track of my dogs this year on the grouse esp when we're just getting into the butts and everyone else's dogs are hunting about too.

Just recently acquired an other black lab/ lab looking mongrel so up to 4 black lab looking dogs now, mibee not got my head round watching 4 labs yet as well as the others yet. And to be fair its never as bad on pheasant shoots but on the grouse thee is so many other dogs buzzing about too


Been thinking about a daft idea for a few years as 1 of he other moors I go to the keeper has 2 labs almost identical to my middle aged 1, I've seen us in the past both shouting at the wrong dog and he's an a panel lab judge.


Been thinking about marking my dogs with sheep marker, just a wee spay of colour somewhere (collars not really an option for pheasants althou would prob do on the grouse)

I imagine it will be harmless for them, has anyone else tried owt similar.


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Aye perce but I'd imagine on the shoots there won't be a massive amount of other yellow labs, and I imagine ur yellow dogs will all be a slightly different shade too.

With me I just sort of sneaked up on me, not even a massive lab fan, could do with another springer or 2 really.


I can tell the dogs apart but esp on the grouse when ur getting closer to the butts u have ll the guns, loaders and beaters dogs milling about too, and often black labs (was actually the reason I got the 1st 1 so it can be anonomous when its ruining a pheasant drive :whistling: thankfully or luckily never had to resort to its anominity and pretend to hold the lead of an awol dog as keeper going raage )


Would just be handy o wee dod off spray on the tail or something so u can easily tell where all ur dogs are at a glance and roughly where the grouse where found where


Sorry Cornish I thought having it in the dog section since its about working dogs

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Sounds a reasonable idea but how indelible is the sheep spray is there an option of something less permanent.


Re anonymity, I am stuffed as both shoots I work we are the only golden. On a drive last season a beater shouts "get that dog on a lead" me and keepers wife look at each other and then each way down the ride all dogs accounted for then beater says something I didn't catch but keepers wife did and replies "ians dog is here at heel" then a fox comes running past us. "oh" says the beater "it was a fox" 😊

On boundary days keeper makes a point of telling everyone not to shoot fox unless you are 100% certain its not "ians dog" 😁

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