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Electricity costs for a tropical fish tank


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I am not looking an exact figure, but does any of the fish keepers on here know what the electricity costs are roughly for a 190 litre tank (Juwel Trigon 190 Litre). Have googled this and have seen many answers from a couple of quid and month to a pound a day, so quite confusing. If you keep a tank of about the same size can you tell me how much the tank adds to your monthly bill.

Thanks Guinty1

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Mines a 350l and the cost is negligible.


It has LED light bars, 2x 300W heaters, Circulation (wave maker) pump and Fluval FX6 filter.


LED lights and quality filters have low power consumption. Stay away from cheap Chinese stuff if your worried about costs.

Edited by Gee.
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A few years ago when i had my garden pond (5000 + ) gallons my electric bill used to be massive and i only had a pump plus uv light running

queried my bills with electric board turns out my pond was costing me £120 per month.. so sold all the koi and filled it in what i saved the first year bought me a nice beretta gold E.



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