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Working Cocker Spaniel-A keen retrieve before anything else


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Hello all,

Thank you for everyone encouraging comments on my previous videos. I have just got to the point where I can move onto with this little pup. He's 15weeks old and for the last 7/8 weeks he has known nothing but to come out of the kennel and play retrieving and as you can see, he's mad for it. For me a Cocker must learn to retrieve before anything else and they must become obsessed with it before moving into anything else.


Hope you enjoy the video.


Edited by lee-kinsman
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Such a nice dog, he'll be great when hes older. I do think its easier if they're kenneled. When they're pets and live indoors its hard to only bring them out to do retrieving as mine would go loopy in our house! - lol!

That's true Aimee. IMO it's definitely harder to train a house dog. There are so many other factors to consider.
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Another great video Lee. Would this work with an older cocker as a remedial method of training? I.e. to get them more focused on the handler rather than working for themselves?

Thank you labstaff.

Yes I think it would. I'm quite traditional in thinking that if an improvement has to be made then the handler should go all the way back to basics.

At the moment with my 5year old springer I'm hiding tennis balls and letting quarter. I've been doing this for the last 3 weeks just to loosen her up because she gets quite sticky.

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Conversely before dogging in started I did similar work quartering for tennis ball but always found at my feet. This was to make her a "boot polisher" so as to keep tight pattern dogging in fields. She pulls out more than during the training but I suspect not as much as if I hadn't done it 😁

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Enjoying the VIDS, thanks. My hands are in tatters as charlie seems equally as interested in mouthing hands as he is in retrieving toys.


Thank you.

Conversely before dogging in started I did similar work quartering for tennis ball but always found at my feet. This was to make her a "boot polisher" so as to keep tight pattern dogging in fields. She pulls out more than during the training but I suspect not as much as if I hadn't done it 😁

We can only do so much, I think with older dogs they will always have a tendency to pull on scent because they know what it it. 👍🏿

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