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squirrels on ITV


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They have just been talking about shooting and eating squirrels on ITVs this morning program, they had a fella and his mum on talking about how he has always fished then shot and always brought home pigeons rabbits and squirrels and his mum cooked them.


Also a vegan from peta on who managed to not rant and rave, but said they should be left in the trees and we all eat vegan.


Being hosted by Ben Shephard and Amanda Holden, Ben tried the pate they brought in, and liked it, the fella and his mum came across very well and informed on reds and shooting in general.


A survey said 21% would shoot 79% wouldn't which I think is pretty good.


Then after the break more positive comments on eating squirrels with one against.


Very good from ITV

Edited by Mice!
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hello, sorry to disappoint i thought it was a load of TOSH

was there any mention of the control and culling of the greys to allow our natural reds to thrive better in uk, i just heard on cooking the odd squirell and a young lady vegan who thinks our furry greys should be left in peace which will certainly end the red population

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Yes the "mum" said there were only 15,000 reds left? And that just one grey squirrel carrying pox was enough to wipe out a group of reds.


She also said to the vegan should we just allow our indigenous species to become extinct rather than control the greys.


The fella said as far as he is concerned shooting then eating a wild animal was far more ethical than eating say mass produced chicken.


Obviously the woman from Peta wanted everything left to live in piece which means red go into extinction.

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So do u know how many reds are left? the 15k figure might not be far away for Eng alone.


And yes 1 infected grey can kill a lot of reds, 1 estate near me estimated they lost around 120 reds due to a pox outbreak.a few years ago.


I'd also agree shooting and eating a wild animal is more ethical than eating mass produced rubbish so not really sure wot ur disagreeing with.


Ps Sorry Just noticed it wasn't u calling it tosh mice, mis read ur post

Edited by scotslad
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I'm not disagreeing with any of it, I'm saying what was on the TV today. And I thought it was very positive.


I've no idea on numbers though which is why I put a question mark, the article last week in the mirror and mail before that were saying only 140,000 reds left compared with 2.5 million greys?


Ha ha I was already typing scotslad 🤗

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hello, latest estimates are 140,000 reds left in uk compared to 2.5 million greys, june 2017 forestry comission.gov


That seems to be the widely accepted population estimates, but I did see another which reckoned 120'000 in Scotland alone so guessing 20K in eng??

So mibee that's where they got there figures from.


Even 140k is not a lot compared to the 2.5mill greys, would be intresting to know wot the numbers were 30 and 50 years ago

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