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Prince William on overpopulation


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18 hours ago, Cambsman said:

And the factual evidence to prove your ridiculous and racist post is?

I fail to see how my post is in anyway racist, I personally feel the UK is overpopulated, nothing more and nothing less.

As for my factual evidence here's a link to government data and an excerpt from it



Immigration has been higher than emigration since the early 1990s. In 2015, levels of immigration (631,500) were more than double those of emigration (299,200). The highest immigration levels to date were seen in 2014 with 632,000 people coming to the UK. Rises in immigration have tended to coincide with the expansion of the EU, allowing more people to freely migrate to the UK.

As shown by the widening of the population pyramid from 2005 to 2015, migrants tend to be aged 20 to 36, “traditional working age”.


If you still think I'm racist I couldn't care less, you nothing about me.

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23 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

There's no doubt that the massive population increase in this country has been driven by immigration, I personally feel it's had a negative impact on life in the uk


23 hours ago, panoma1 said:

Yep! You can only get so many slices out of a cake.....more slices.......less for everyone!


Transfer this to the NHS, Schools, Houses, Employment etc, etc, etc, etc....in fact everything! And the way things are, anyone can get a look into the future.


It's not racism to look after your own first and allow immigration, only where it serves and benefits the UK and it's people....it's self preservation!.......


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strain on services through immigration is mainly due to the influx of people working lower paid jobs. And more people being taken out of the tax bracket. 

If 300000 people come in, all work, but don't legitematly pay tax, then that's a huge burden on the system that supports them and their familys. 

The question is if the cost of this outweighs the benefits of filling the low paid jobs. Is there a case for paying higher wages but all pay tax. Or if any tax rises for the nhs then everyone pays some across the board.


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On 11/5/2017 at 18:08, Cambsman said:

And the factual evidence to prove your ridiculous and racist post is?

Im not sure where your 'bubble ' is ,Cambs possibly ?

A fairly 'white' area, take a trip out to Birmingham or London, and see the effect of uncontrolled immigration to this country.

Coupled with a culture of appeasement and the creation of a PC driven fear of offending any minority, we have created a powder keg of resentment and instability for the future.

You cannot force integration, but forced it has been, and the voices of the many have been ignored for too long, to appease and avoid offending the few.

Read the wording of your comment back to yourself, can someone not express their opinion about the state of his country without being called a racist ?

Were you truly offended by what he said ?

If you were, I would stay in your bubble.

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13 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Im not sure where your 'bubble ' is ,Cambs possibly ?

A fairly 'white' area, take a trip out to Birmingham or London, and see the effect of uncontrolled immigration to this country.

Coupled with a culture of appeasement and the creation of a PC driven fear of offending any minority, we have created a powder keg of resentment and instability for the future.

You cannot force integration, but forced it has been, and the voices of the many have been ignored for too long, to appease and avoid offending the few.

Read the wording of your comment back to yourself, can someone not express their opinion about the state of his country without being called a racist ?

Were you truly offended by what he said ?

If you were, I would stay in your bubble.

:good:  the liberal left's default goto is 'Racist' whenever someone expresses an opinion that differs from theirs. Totally agree with the London/Birmingham comment, I work a lot on building sites in London and can say first hand that labour (skilled/unskilled) on sites has gone from 85-90% British/Irish to 85-90% Eastern European. It's not 'Racist', it's an observation.

Edited by Newbie to this
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