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The perfect excuse for missing


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  Oly said:
:look: Why didn't you just replace it with the manhole keys you removed it with?? :good:

Don't be silly I wasnt using keys, I was using a big screwdriver to get it up :good:

And it was all under muddy water, about 6" under to be precise - during the flash floods we had yesterday, the idea, which worked was to get rid of some of the water down the drain. I know you aren't supposed to do that, but it was getting very close to my front door.


But I will be getting some keys to get the big one in the road up next time we have flash floods :good:

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  stuartp said:
Drop a cast iron manhole cover onto your finger and guess what happens?

Yes it hurts like hell, and yes it is throbbing, the POI was the top joint :look:


I just hope it is bit less swollen before next weekend


best cure is soak it in a fresh cow pat for 10 mins, then p*** on it. :good:

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  Whitebridges said:
Yow! I should think the nail will drop off. A least it isn't your trigger finger.

That reminds me of the schoolboy joke WB . .


"I know someone who lost his finger in an accident"


"The whole finger?"


"No, the one next to it..."


Boom, boom.

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If its throbbing like absolute hell you may wish to relieve the pressure. This can be achieved by a visit to hospital, or if you are very brave, you can do it yourself.


Procedure is get a paperclip and straighten ot in leg.

Grip rest of clip in pliers or mole grips

Heat end of wire to red heat in gas flame.


At this point you may wish to enlist the assistance of someone else, to hold your hand down


Place the heated wire onto the fingernail and burn a hole into the nail, do not push


You will feel the intense heat for a second or so, and then absolute utter relief, as the blood pressure is released from beneath the nail.



You can also use a 1/16" drill, helf in a pin vice, not an electric drill, or the corner of a razor blade, and calv a hole, but from my experience, the hot wire is best, but you do need to be brave.



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  stuartp said:
But I will be getting some keys to get the big one in the road up next time we have flash floods :look:


Having extensive experience of flooding (it's my job) you might also want to look into some of these http://www.floodgate.ltd.uk/index.shtml :good:


If you are at higher risk than what the above can offer PM me with details, location, depths, rough velocities, sources/mechanisms etc of flooding and I may be able to help mitigate for some of the effects.

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Yikes - that takes me way back to my school days when I got three or four fingers like that every couple of weeks.


I had lousy handwriting see - and the teacher used the pointer instead of sending me to the head for the cane :blink:


Then father would batter me too :yes:

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  stuartp said:
Drop a cast iron manhole cover onto your finger and guess what happens?

Yes it hurts like hell, and yes it is throbbing, the POI was the top joint :yes:


I just hope it is bit less swollen before next weekend


stue you'v only been a mod for a week and you'v had your hand in the till already :lol::lol::lol: :blink:

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I've done it on a safe door, twice :blink: The worst part it trying to get your finger free again.


Not nice so I won't take the Mickey!





At least while your using your left hand it will feel like someone else is doing it!

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Well I am surprised, but pleased.


Many years ago when I worked in the engineering dept of a glass works I was a member of the elite "heavy gang", so called not because we were all big lads, but because we were the gang who installed and moved the heavy plant and machinery.


Not a week went by without someone surcoming to the paperclip treatment. Broken fingers were run of the mill and usually self treated with insulation tape.


You know when its bad when you cant get to sleep.



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