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Suffolk shooter

Kirky's return  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Do PW members want him to return

    • Yes
    • No

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Not sure if I am allowed, but voted no anyway, I will vote the same way for the return of Jonrms as well if asked.


All I will say is that now I am able to see the amount of extra work these people cause the unpaid admins you would vote the same - sorry

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So I have decided to put a poll up to see how many want him allowed back.


Good God man! This is not a democracy! How will having a poll do anything?

Is Kirky going to get a call from the mods? I can picture it now..............

"Er, hello is that Kirky? I know we banned you from PW because of (INSERT REASON HERE) but well, the guys have had a vote and well it would be really nice if you came back. Hope you have learnt a lesson though".

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We could get Kirky, Bertie and John 5 back and give them their own "death match arena" section - only open after 11.00 p.m. and strictly over 18's.


Because the incidents that lead to "bannage" always get wiped pronto noone gets to see what went on, but perhaps a few. There should be a special "Private Area" where the uncut material is sent to for over 18s to view.

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I understand that Kirky has been banned from PW, but Why???


*Scratches head* But, is he banned?


I looked through the Members list a few weeks ago and again just now. Kirkys name ISN'T in the BANNED section nor is BANNED on his profile, which does appear if a member is banned. Maybe things have changed or maybe I am misunderstanding how the site works but I see from his profile his last visit was 13 May 2007 at 9.28pm.


So, is he saying he's been banned? Or has he actually been banned?


I didn't vote in the poll.

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How he is in the flesh, doesn't reflect on his, or anyone elses behaviour on the forum - and that is what this is all about.

I agree totally


If you get banned then you stay banned, If you are stupid enough to get banned then you stay banned. You have to work fairly hard to get yourself banned, or be a complete pain in the ****. I'll let you lot choose who is who.


I voted NO

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Good God man! This is not a democracy! How will having a poll do anything?


First of all, I don't know Kirky or the circumstances surrounding his departure. I don't give a toss whether he comes back or not, so I didn't vote.


Secondly, for Christ's sake Snakebite change the record.....

If we all had a quid for everytime you point out that this forum is not a democracy we could buy a new gun each.


Is it the buzz of feeling downtrodden that you like about coming on here?


Gaylord. :P:D:rolleyes:

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Yes but there are other sites - where the Mods are bit more forgiving

for god sake boys its only a chat forum and we are all grown up men (well most of us) , i for one hear more swear words in a day than have been put on here and i work in an office of architects.

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