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Anybody recommend a good PC game?


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I enjoyed Half Life 1,Star Wars Republic Commando,Halo and Doom3.Can anybody recommend something similar for pc?I have Half Life 2 loaned out and cant play Halo 3 as have XP so any other good vid games out there please?Thanks.

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Cheers for all response fellers.Will see what is about in second hand on ebay etc.Admit to crapping it on some of Doom so hard to imagine much worse.Am a sad 40 odd new ish to this stuff but find it amazing.How do you get Plasma weapon on your ticket? :lol:

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hi my sons just had gears of war on xbox 360

which is very good but am not sure wether you can

get it on pc though. i dont tend to play many games

but he convinced me to have a go and i enjoyed it

even though he bust my chops on 2 player. i wil ask him

for you when he gets home from school.



cheers paddy.

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yor right they do kick *** dr.w my lad was jammy getting that 360

we ad just bought him the xbox and then enterd a competition on the back

of the pepsi max bottles were you av to text in and then he won the 360

exactly a week after how jammys that.





Jammy so and so, did you take the Xbox back for a refund?


Unfortunately I've got a wedding and shotgun to pay for before I can afford a 360.

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No they definitely don't.


Can't see kids these days accepting hand me downs from older sibblings.


I had a box of lego and another of Meccano and was left to my own devices to see what I could come up with although not as fun as taking the old Tv set to bits when it bust to see what was inside, hours of fun.


However I think kids miss out now as parents are to scared to let them leave the back garden whereas I spent every minute I could down the woods which backed onto our house buliding bases, shooting stuff with air rifles, making fires and generally getting up to mischief. Very happy memories which I wouldn't trade for a games consol.

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One of my favourtie games and still is is operation flashpoint although we play it through a home network brother neighbours about 4 or 5 of us and its brilliant fun the amount of addons is unreal but


Unreal tournament 2000 is such a brill game hours apon hours of fun online to be had.

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Have to put my bid in for Everquest (the origional not EQ2). The graphics arn't as good but the content, interactivity and general involvement are some of the best out there - it's managed to stand the test of time afterall.


Theres a full version of the game with all the expansions for about $20 then costs about £10pm to play. You can download a free trial version to start - think it gives you 1 months play, pick your world (mines Povar) make your charachter & aways you go!!


Only word of warning - it's not nicknamed evercrack for nothing!!

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Call of Duty 3 on the 360 is brilliant, nothing better than playing as a sniper, laying in some tall grass and slowly taking out oncoming infantry! Although the shotgun is useless over about 10yds. Rainbow Six Vegas is bloody good too, although beware it can be quite laggy esp with any yanks in the room. As for PC Gaming, nothing beats Counter Strike! Rise of Nations is pretty good, its a RTS where you advance through various time periods, nothing more satisfying than seeing a medivial armada coming toward you when you are in the modern age with Dreadnoughts and destroyers!



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Unreal Tournament - makes doom look like teletubbies :lol:


:lol: unreal 2004 - many hours of fun blasting the **** out of everything & everyone using some insane weapons, there are also shedloads of bonuspacks, upgrades, skinmods & maps available (you can also set the gore level to an inhuman level if you know how :good: - great for the sniper rifle :P ).


or if you just want a good laugh, go for hogs of war or any of the worms 3d games & use some insanely stupid weapons :good:

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Have to put my bid in for Everquest (the origional not EQ2). The graphics arn't as good but the content, interactivity and general involvement are some of the best out there - it's managed to stand the test of time afterall.


Theres a full version of the game with all the expansions for about $20 then costs about £10pm to play. You can download a free trial version to start - think it gives you 1 months play, pick your world (mines Povar) make your charachter & aways you go!!


Only word of warning - it's not nicknamed evercrack for nothing!!


DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GET INTO MMORPG's (massively multiplayer online role playing games).


Really, you stand every chance of loosing your job/wife/life/shooting


Like Hardy says, "evercrack" is a very apt title. I have lads at work who play "the game" (I won't let them call it by name) and they don't do a lot else other than come to work looking like zombies.

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