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Electrical help

The Mighty Prawn

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Hi gang

just about to finish tiling kitchen floor and we are having an island which wants power, I've bought twin and earth and the metal cover that goes over cables - a grown up will connect up but just want to check I'm doing the right thing before tiling over...

im cutting a channel from edge of room to middle of island in the existing tiles I'm tiling over. Run two lengths of twin and Earth in the channel, cover with metal strip thing (technical term) then tile over the top making sure I leave plenty of cable at wall and island end for spark to connect.

does that seem proper and the right thing to do?

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You might consider running a length of very strong non perishable string through the channel as well before sealing it up for ever and ever. Then if ever you needed to run more wiring in future, you could simply haul it through the channel without disturbing the floor tiles.  Just leave plenty of spare at the ends and tuck it away at each  end of the channel

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1 hour ago, The Mighty Prawn said:

Hi gang

just about to finish tiling kitchen floor and we are having an island which wants power, I've bought twin and earth and the metal cover that goes over cables - a grown up will connect up but just want to check I'm doing the right thing before tiling over...

im cutting a channel from edge of room to middle of island in the existing tiles I'm tiling over. Run two lengths of twin and Earth in the channel, cover with metal strip thing (technical term) then tile over the top making sure I leave plenty of cable at wall and island end for spark to connect.

does that seem proper and the right thing to do?


15 minutes ago, Eyefor said:

..for something as permanent as tiles, I would be considering laying steel conduit.

Then, if ever required, you can pull more cable through?

As above. Get professional advice. It could be cheaper in the long run?

what size twin and earth have you put in & have you established what circut your going too modify,

you dont need steel conduit  plastic waste pipe  is ideal  cheap and easy to work with.

if your tapping into the kitchen ring main check the circut  has rcd protection and your earthing of water, gas, oil etc is in place,

if its a pub job ignore all of the above,


Edited by Remimax
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There's a socket on the wall which will be covered by the new kitchen so plan is to use the feed from that and remove that socket

2.5 MM twin and Earth is what runs to that socket currently so that's what I've brought to drop under the tiles

im not actually doing the wiring just getting the wires in place so I can finish the tiling

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