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Raptors and Domestic Cats

Howling Hound

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9 hours ago, Dougy said:

A small cat would weigh around 5 lb, a large prey for a sparrowhawk would be something in the region of 1.25lb.


So It would be a very fit female (and a freak of nature) to be able to carry a cat, unless it was a very young kitten. 

I wouldn't underestimate the strength and power of a hungry raptor. I was out photographing hares last year when a male Marsh Harrier attacked a fully grown hare. Whether it would have managed to take off with it I don't know as it was attacked by crows and eventually had to abandon its prey. It did however have it off the ground on a few occasions. A Marsh Harrier weighs about 1lb , a hare around 7lbs. I did manage to grab a quick shot but it was so far off it was of no use so I watched the action unfold through bino's. 


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We have regular visits from a female sparrowhawk and I've personally witnessed it take a squirrel from inside a large cedar with ease. I would say she'd be big enough and powerful enough to take my son's very small cat which is about 50% bigger than a squirrel.

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I have a female sparrowhawk which lives in and around my wood. I disturbed her one morning as she was about to kill and pluck a woodpigeon. Startled she took off and actually flew a yard or two with the still flapping pigeon in her claws, but unable to get any height she dropped it and then the pigeon flew off, short of a whole pile of feathers. 

I still think female goshawk and small cat/kitten.

I witnessed a peregrin hit a woodie way up about 400ft in the sky. Well, the huge cloud of feathers drew my attention. The hawk came down with wings arced like a parachute, holding the pigeon. It had just thought about how to cook it, when a red kite swept in and knocked it clean off the carcase. The peregrin flew onto a small hut nearby and protested loudly. The kite was just about to feast when it was knocked for six by a buzzard and the vocal arguing went on for some time but the buzzard won the day.

Edited by Walker570
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2 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

The thought of a Sparrowhawk carrying even a kitten is a bit far fetched - I had one many years ago and anything much bigger than a Starling was pushing it .

Well I beg to differ. We have witnessed our local female sparrowhawk take one pigeon and 3 collared doves.

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