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Car on fire driven into Glasgow Airport terminal


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Wanna bet on the outcome. I got fifty quid on this. Any takers PM me.


Religion : Islam

One of their names : Mohammed

Home : Northwest London or the Northwest specifically Bradford or Leeds.


They are the answers to the questions on the London Bombings.



Okay, this is the gloating post.


According to the BBC website, I get to tick all the boxes with the arrest of Mohammed Asha from Liverpool.


The good news is that none of the suspects are home grown, the bad news is that our border and immigration policies have failed us again.


Predictable? Oh shame on me for making such sweeping judgments early on.


Pin, I think this requires a fifty pound donation - please make cheques payable to the "Mungler is always right foundation".

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Well done psychic Mung, can't say I'm at all surprised though. There wasn't much sport in wagering that one would fit your stated profile. I think the only relevent question would have been how many of them would. What chances a 100% hit on all males called Mohammad?

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It raises an interesting point about profiling.


The police are vocally critisized by the Guardian readers for stopping and searching certain groups within society.


But there would appear to be an element of "common sense here".


Back when the IRA were targeting London, stopping a white fella called Paddy from Belfast driving a lorry into London would have seemed appropriate...

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Bet you didn,t bank on mohammed being a bloody DOCTOR!and possibly others of his gang.I admit that since involvement of medical staff in other terrorist stuff,I do think slightly differently of them while at work,ie are the friendly ones cleverly putting on a front ,really hating my guts?Are the miserable tosspots less able to cover it up? I think that like with Harol Shipman,there should be a "special" sentence for when people entrusted with peoples lives turn rogue.Stretch their necks,methinks. :good:

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I travel through airports on almost a weekly basis and normally you can't fail to trip over countless plod carrying all sorts of mean looking semi-auto guns.


What happens - somebody drives a car on fire through the front doors of the airport and the police need CS spray and members of the public to restrain them!


Now I appreciate that they are probably more useful alive than dead but I would have throught that at least one armed office would have shot them first.



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I just get bored of all the nonsense, pandering and loss of common sense. For example, that Finsbury Park episode with old hook hands - really, how was that allowed to carry on? Why weren't they all nicked and deported immediately. Suspected terrorists tagged and put under house arrest - no, if there is sufficient prima facie evidence then it's on a plane and out of here.


Common sense prevails mungler, a pity they cannot see it the way you do. I'm not gunna get involved in this to much, end up with a red card. Australia's PM John Howard should be PM here, he for one has the right approach to this problem, well documented in the Aussie press.





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why was the internment of foreign nationals alright during world war two but for sme reason it isnt now? Seems logical to me, if you belong to a country we are at war with, get cast into a deep hole then there can be no spying or sabotage missions carried out by the "freedom fighters"

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Police have named the asian is the Glasgow Bombing as Singe Majeep :good:



Aw that is awful and worthy of Berettaman1 himself. Seriously though, it made me smile.




There are one or two funny articles on this on The Register:









Made me chuckle:


To recap: an exceptionally incompetent group of troublemakers, unknown to the plods or spooks, decided to bring a spot of terror to old Blighty starting last Friday. These people had no actual explosives, and were apparently too lazy and ignorant to learn how to make them. Instead, they decided to load cars with petrol, domestic gas cylinders and "containers holding nails", and then set fire to them - either manually or using a cellphone-initiated remote rig of some kind.


And what an incident. "It is obvious that if the device had detonated there could have been serious injury or loss of life", Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke intoned gravely.


Ah, if it had detonated. Yes, it could have been a real horror. Only, the device could not have detonated. Not under any circumstances. You see, the terrorist wannabe clown who built it left out a crucial element: an oxidiser. The device was pure pre-teen boy fantasy.


"We'll heat up these propane cylinders with burning petrol, and they'll go off like bombs", boys the world over have remarked with glee. They don't realise that air is a poor oxidiser, and the only "explosion" they will get is when gas pressure inside the cylinders is great enough to burst them. Then the propane will ignite, and a nice fireball will blossom. A fireball, not an explosion.


Oh, the Piccadilly fireball would have blown the car's windows out, and popped its doors open, and sent various bits like mirrors and so forth into the air at velocities possibly fatal to people nearby. It would have looked really cool, that's for sure. But an explosive event...a detonation? Not in a million years. Sorry lads: you failed car bombing 101; you did not attend a single lecture; you did not even open the textbook.


Some stupid people did a stupid thing. Yes, they might have injured or killed one or two passers-by, but any body count would have come in spite of them, not as a product of their efforts. You and I are more likely to have been killed accidentally by the lousy driver than intentionally by his Beavis and Butthead car bomb.

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in my opinion, the government should bring in a law stating that any person attempting terrorism will face capital punishment, and all his/her family ie' mother,father,brothers,sisters,cousins,uncles or any known family would be deported to there country of origin, even if they were born here they would be sent packing, that way all would be watching each other as they would not want to lose all thier free handouts and go back to the slums would they

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Wanna bet on the outcome. I got fifty quid on this. Any takers PM me.


Religion : Islam

One of their names : Mohammed

Home : Northwest London or the Northwest specifically Bradford or Leeds.


They are the answers to the questions on the London Bombings.

spot on Mungler, looks like most of them are Mohammed, makes you wonder how many white paitients ""died of natural causes"" after being treated? by these B-------s If you ask in future to be treated by a white doctor we would be arrested for racism!. :good:

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