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death from below

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Gutted.....lost my preacher in some bushes....had it for ages.....can't sem to find anywhere that sells 'em......can't find them on fleabay or the usual shoting sites.....does anyone know of an internet shop that sells preachers or a proper shop in the Essex East london area.


Found about 56 of 'em on fleabay - were you searching for a preacher or a priest :)

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Friends, fellow worshipers, myself and brother Lancs Lad feel we should not blame brother DFB for his human weakness, After all if he is so repulsive to the female members, then we, as christians should accept his weakness for going into reeds etc to satisfy his unbridled lust, and by reasoning with him , help him to turn his back on his ungodly nafarious practices which, I do believe if not stopped will end up with brother DFB going blind!! So fellow christians let us all pray for for DFB, Ahmen. :)

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