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No Doubt This Will Be Coming Our Way Soon.


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Hook em and keep em. Not a new story but drugs are going in a different direction than before as people use NPS`s and mainstream drugs (including alcohol) together to get the right kind of buzz, however with fentanyl in the story above and the use of PMA/PMMA in MDMA the chances of ODing are a lot higher.

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Quite regularly I encounter patients trying to cadge prescription opiods, benzodiazepines and medications used in neuropathic pain for use of mixing with other over the counter medications and illicit drugs to gain a therapeutic high. The  black market of selling prescription medication onwards for misuse  on the street  is a growing concern for public health and crime agencies. For example I do a prescription for gabapentin 100 tablets, cost at point of issuing to a patient either £0 or £8.80, on the street each tablet £3, bottle of oral morphine 300ml, £100 the list goes on.

Have known individuals on methadone program vomit out into a bag a couple of minutes after swallowing and pass onto another addict who then swallowed it. 

Also seeing a big rise in steroid and insulin abuse in the fitness world.

I am never astonished at the needs and actions of individuals surrounding drug  addiction and misuse.




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