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Quad sticks question


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When using quad sticks how are the legs arranged ?

Are the legs separate on the ground, like 2 bipods, or are they joined at the bottom so the 4 legs touch the ground at the same time in pairs or are they joined at the bottom, but one slightly higher than the other, so only 2 out of the 4 actually are grounded ?

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The short answer is, yes. But you need to try them out to see how steady they can be.


You can add a swinging  leg and use it to stop pivoting back and forth but with a bit of use your hold and body will minimise pivotting.

Edited by Good shot?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a set of 4Stable sticks. They are joined at the bottom with only one leg in contact with the ground (One leg longer than the other on each side) The will rock forwards and backwards until you shoulder the rifle, or you can easily stop this if you want to by tying a bit of cord or ribbon to the rear yolk. Set the rifle up and then stand on the end of the cord. Push forward and as the cord tightens the whole assembly locks up solid. You just have to let the cord out from under your foot gradually until you're on target height. Have seen this used but have never felt the need myself. The use of quad-sticks has revolutionised my shooting to be honest. I could never get on with a single stick and was more accurate and consistent free standing, then I had a pair of sticks and things got better .. then along came '4 sticks' and a LOT of foxes and deer payed heavily ;)

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