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Consultation on bid to ban hunting with dogs


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Anyone who is filing it in,


In first question or two - don't forget to mention DOMESTIC CATS who all get kicked out house at night and indiscrimatory hunt all mammals up to hares and that they should be covered by the bill as otheriwse it is hypicritical to ignore the biggest killer of mammals in the UK as around me the cats get most of the rabbits and hares.

In the equalities section ( i know!) don't forget to point out your natural belief that humans are part of nature and are hunters by evolution and dogs are our natural partners in this and as such we are being oppressed by a discrimatory majority

Edited by Stonepark
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I just filled it in as well, it is written as if the bill has already been passed.

And the bit about sexuality and gender reassignment ,religion etc is a joke what planet are these people on?   answer: the Scottish Parliament a very expensive talking shop with limitless expenses.

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I completed it.

As usual , completely biased questions designed to pass the bill. 

Everyone needs to complete it , pointing out that foxes , crows and ravens are the biggest threat to waders,  curlews and oyster catchers will become extinct without serious pest control . 

As usual Scottish government being used by anti hunting / anti shooting agenda. 

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