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Teal chokes again


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Was lucky to find myself with a few hours to spare this afternoon so rather than tackle the long list of jobs Mrs Wingman has for me I went shooting. I took my 682X Trap in which I had installed 2 1/4 Teal extended chokes.  So, stand 1 a nice easy r/l crosser and a fairly rangey teal both birds hit but not much more than a chip funny because I managed to smoke both of them at the weekend using my lovely old 686S (fixed at 1/2 and 3/4). 

Five pairs on and only a couple were decent breaks so somewhat confused I retired for a coffee wondering whether I should trade my guns in for a set of golf clubs.

Decided to change the Teal's for a pair of Briley's both in IC constriction and thought in the interest of science I would go back and try the stand again.  Very very different results 5 pairs again only missed a couple but the ones I hit broke satisfactorily, a few were smoked.  So this sort of confirms my suspicion that the Teals are machined to an unknown constriction, why do I say that I hear you say!

Teague and Briley (and others) clearly publish the restriction in thou that there standard chokes are made.  I emailed Teal and asked if they could give me the specific specification for the their chokes, I didnt get a response.  So I wonder if in my 18.3 and 18.4 bored barrels if these are nearer skeet or cylinder than true 1/4, thought about it for a while and got bored so carried on shooting and had a thoroughly good time... 

Edited by Wingman
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First, a gunsmith (or anyone with a suitable internal micrometer) could measure the pre choke bore and the choke bore (i.e. in the constriction) and work out the constriction.

Second, the constriction is only an approximate guide as to choke ....... and the actual percentage of pellets in a 30 inch circle at 40 yards gives the actual choke.

The actual achieved choke will vary with cartridge (often quite considerably).

There are so many variables - the ideal thing is to just find a combination of choke tube and cartridge that works for you ........ and stick to it.

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I have used loads of different choke makes over the years.

Fixed chokes from decent makers trump any extended I've used.

The Briley half in my Maxus is very good but no better than the half extended Benelli in my supersport. The 1/4 Benelli I find poor with fiber wad carts.

As others have said find what works and stick with it.

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16 hours ago, impala59 said:

Always worth a couple of shots at the pattern plate if you have access. there's nothing, IMHO like seeing the holes in the paper for actual reality!

Very true, I'll try and find one or set something up on the permission next time i go up there.

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I looked back at some measurements I made a few years ago.  I measured the bore diameter (using a Chubb Multigauge) 9" forward of the breech face on a number of guns.  All are nominal 12 bore, all are in proof.  In general most were in the range 0.725" to 0.730".

The tightest was 0.723" (18.3mm) on a Beretta S57 dating to the 1970s.  To bring this to nominal 'half choke' would need 0.020, so the choked part would need to measure  0.703"  (17.85mm)

The most open was 0.737" (18.7mm) - on a Damascus barrelled gun dating to the 1870s (and in later nitro proof).  To bring this to 'half choke' would need 0.020, so the choked part would need to measure  0.717"  (18.2mm)

This illustrates why 'off the shelf' dimensioned choke tubes may not give the expected results.

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On 09/08/2019 at 13:42, alan123shooting said:

Hi just received my teal flush  chokes,  following the thread I measured them with a vernier calliper,  the half choke  22 thou constriction slightly tight, quarter choke 10 thou spot on and the Skeet was 5 thou pretty spot on so we shall see what they perform like

Have you tried them out yet?

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You went for the flush ones didnt you?

I think that was wise, as i found that the extended ones seem to make the gun a bit barrel heavy so for now I have gone back to the factory Beretta flush mounts.  Not sure if its all in my mind (probably likely) but the gun seems to feel better to me.  I'll try and weigh them and compare to the flush ones and Brileys that I have.

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8 hours ago, alan123shooting said:

Extended chokes may make your gun barrel heavy, as you are extending the length of the barrel, i prefer flush chokes, and these teal chokes seem to fit the bill,just because there are cheap does not mean they are no good 

Have to agree after fiddling with all the chokes in my collection I've gone back to the beretta flush fit. Maybe purely psychological but the gun seems to feel better, more lively.

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Not the flush ones yet I’ve switched to my Brileys light full in both barrels as have been shooting a bit of DTL recently. How are the threads machined on yours? a couple of mine seem to have quite rough edges. 

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  • 2 years later...
On 16/08/2019 at 10:23, Wingman said:

Just received my full set of Teal flush chokes. If it stops raining I’ll take the gun out on the clays and give them a whirl. I need to stop messing about with chokes so will stick IC in both barrels and stuck with that. 

Have you managed to pattern these yet? 


Otherwise you seen happy with them? 

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