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The abbsolute novice


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i DO NOT KNOW IF i AM DOING THIS CORRECTLY, HOWEVER IF IT DOES (Sorry bloody caps lock) work does anyone want to tell me how I gut or draw or whatever it is called the bird after I have shot it?


Basically I will be shooting for the pot and whilst I can find all sorts of web sites offering information on how to shoot them and how to cook them, I can find nothing on the process in between.


Please help



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I reckon your an anti or another schoolboy trying to wind us up, if you have a shottie cert you would know how to make contact with like minds to get sound advise on this prior to making a post on a public forum


PS please complete your profile, IMHO you should not get to post untill it is


no offence intended

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I am sorry if you think that, however I am serious . As I have the luxury of a bird sancturary at the bottom of my garden I get a load of them there. Now whilst I only have a .22 air rifle, I only have to shoot about 10 yards. I enjoy the taste of pigeon but am one of those people who is not scared to get their hands dirty and kill the animal for myself.


So if you can possibly give me the info I require I would be ever so grateful i.e. do I hang it and if so how long for. How do I gut it etc?


Many thanks



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if it s pigeons your talking about,i allways just quickly pluck the breast area,take a sharp knife,and cut along breast bone ,slowly cutting towards back of bird till you cut off the breast,then do the same on other side of breast,end up with two little fillets.dispose of bird accordinlgy. hope that helps. <_<

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I have been called worse :lol: however you need thick skin round here, just for the record CAPS LOCK means you are shouting in e mail or forum parlance <_<


as to your origanal post topic be glad to help if you PM me a phone number, i can talk you through the basics, and I cant say fairer than than that can I?

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o.k. FOR THOSE OF YOU IDIOTS THAT ARE CONVINCED i AM AN ANTI PLS VISIT THE FOLLOWING. i DO NOT THINK YOU WILL DOUBT ME THEN (Sorry bloody caps lock again). Honestly all this aggro and I just want to cook myself something to eat!





What does this link prove?:( - anybody can pick a link from the net - look http://f4bscale.worldonline.co.uk/starling.htm

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it proves that he aint afraid to roll in manure and urine,and not bath for a fortnight,just to kill poor little shrews.(which i thought were protected ?) :lol: :( :yes::lol:


The best way to achieve non smelliness is to avoid soap & water for at least two weeks, however, as I realise this may not always be achievable I have found that twenty minutes rolling in the compost heap can produce the required effect (assuming you have the usual urine content, because we all know that urine is not only good for the compost it keeps the flies down).

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Without wishing to wind anyone up why has this guy been jumped on? In my early shooting days i had a no idea how to prepare a pigeon for the pot and shock horror i owned a SGC at the time!!!! Not everyone is born with this knowledge or raised on a farm. I can't see how his post was construed as a school boy prank or anti on the prowl.


Initially I used a shotgun for clay shooting and was hoping to get into pigeon shooting. Maybe he is in the same position and building up his knowledge so he can do the same. Isn't this public forum for people looking to do just that?


BAZ: Have a look in the recipe section, there is a video on crowning pigeon. It will give you a good idea on what to do.

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hmmn shooting pigeon in your garden? with an air rifle? not quite in the remit of the open license is it? looks a troll to me, either way even if is not, he could be if seen in need of some explanation to plod

cheers KW

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hmmn shooting pigeon in your garden? with an air rifle? not quite in the remit of the open license is it? looks a troll to me, either way even if is not, he could be if seen in need of some explanation to plod

cheers KW


SO, are we whiter than white then kdubya?


Regardless of who, what or why just say hi and point the lad/lass in the right direction of the appropriate links on here and move along to the next one.


I have to agree with markio on this one. I know lots of people who have owned or own guns, shot clays for years and don't/still don't know how to pluck, gut, skin, grolloch anything.


SS :rolleyes:

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I remember an extremely well thought of woodsman was pounced on like Baz when he was a newbie and asked for help. Mucho rougeo faceo's that day.


Pluck the breast only

Grab hold of breast in one hand with fingers pointing down the bird so you can feel under the ribcage.

push fingers in and pull at the same time and the whole should come of the bird in one.

Practice makes perfect.

happy shooting


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I remember an extremely well thought of woodsman was pounced on like Baz when he was a newbie and asked for help. Mucho rougeo faceo's that day.






Jim I think the point was very eloquently made by Cranners a short while back when he reminded us of his first post, and we all know its not always what you say its the way you say it!

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