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Emergency opp - Even More Time Without Hunting


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I will give you a breakdown.


Friday Afternoon - Had a dull stomach ache for about 2 hours. Thought of it to be honest and it went away.


Saturday Afternoon - Around lunch time the same dull ache started, again io thought nothing of it and out it down to some bad food or drink. The pain progressed all afternoon until at about 19:00 when I could not take the pain any longer. From this point it got worse very quickly.


I went to the emergency doctors and they called an Ambulance. Now for people who think we have a good health service, this bit will you right. The 999 call was made at 19:30, at 20:45 still no ambulance. By this time my dad had picked up my wife and son, dropped my son of at my sisters and driven to the docs where he then hauled me into the car and drove me to the hosi.


By the time it was diagnosed as appendicitis it was 03:00 in the morning. I was on a Ward at 04:15 and had the opp at 11:30am.


Acute Appendicitis on the verge of rupturing. Good does it hurt :(

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I feel your pain, I had mine rupture when I was 11. Like you the NHS was hopeless I got put in a bed for 12 hours before they operated and because I didn't moan with the pain and just went quiet it was only by luck that the consultant came round and spotted me and rushed me in for the op 10 minutes later, that it wasn't far worse as peritonitis is not good.

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An hour and a quarter for a 999 ambulance is unacceptable but I can believe it.I try to arrange transfers from my hospital to another for life saving cardiac treatment and can wait so long it has to be cancelled.The meagre resources they do have are diverted to bumped heads and other ****.You should take it further once you have recovered.All the best and get well soon.

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