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Two sets of barrels 28/410 are they counted as one for certification purposes?.


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I am assuming that is correct as I have two sets of barrels for my 870 Wingmaster  no questions asked.  Crazy situation because they rate extra barrels as another rifle on a rifle action with a number of barrels...my Encore has six, so six rifles as such on license.  You couldn't make it up.|But Heh!!!  they keep letting nutters out of prison to kill people.......

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2 hours ago, Rifleman22 said:

I am currently considering getting a Silver Pigeon, with two sets of barrels 28gauge&410 , looking for general advice, I believe it is counted as one gun for certification purposes??

It matters not whether it is counted as 1 gun or 1 gun + spare barrels as long as you comply with the wishes of your licensing authority.

Most of my spare barrels are not listed although some of them are as it all depends upon your FEO.

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3 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

More making it up as they go along eh?

Yes, when I held an SGC in Kent they listed it all. When I transferred to Cambridgeshire they didn't want to list anything other than the whole guns.

It would be nice if the Home Office Guidance was written to remove all of the ambiguity!

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21 hours ago, panoma1 said:

Guidance is a licence for the police to interpret things as they please....we need shotgun licensing written into legislation, so both them and us know what is required and where we stand!

I can't quote at the moment but under the firearms act shotgun barrel`s were never included as a controlled part but due to legislative changes they slowly becoming so.

If a private individual currently has a spare barrel he can sell it to another private individual without any licencing requirement, however if said barrel ends up with a dealer then it must be entered into the register.

Once the barrel is on the register it is a requirement for it to be entered into a certificate as a spare barrel.

Once it is on the certificate even private sales of the barrel must be entered into the certificate of the purchaser.

This will end up removing all of the current unregistered barrel's becoming registered.

So if you have an unregistered barrel and the Police become aware of it then commonly they will ask you to put it on your certificate,  you are currently under no obligation to do so but that could make things awkward to say the least.

Edited by sportsbob
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Thanks for the information, it all helps!

15 hours ago, Walker570 said:

I am assuming that is correct as I have two sets of barrels for my 870 Wingmaster  no questions asked.  Crazy situation because they rate extra barrels as another rifle on a rifle action with a number of barrels...my Encore has six, so six rifles as such on license.  You couldn't make it up.|But Heh!!!  they keep letting nutters out of prison to kill people.......

Ok thanks, that’s clear, I think!

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