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Card/ fibre cup wads.?

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 Let us know how you get on dave with them 10s. .

Not looking that positive then . Any more used em with 10s and 12s.?


Not scientific, but they look like they might be a bit inconsistent from this video.  

And nothing. I think any kind of card wrapper would probably get the job done. Again not scientific but saved me doing it. What about mirage soft steel too. Its softer on the DPH at around 80 Nickel plated High antamony Lead. "italian" is late 50s early 70s so it makes you wonder.


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2 hours ago, shakin stevens said:

The ones for 8 bore that clay and game sold didn't fit down the barrel of my gun, pretty much a waste of money if they dont fit . 

They go fine with 800 Bar behind them!

More seriously, I found they stuck through friction when pushing down with a rod, but there’s no strength in them across the base and they mush up and go through mine with no issues. 
I’d happily use them even through a skinny barrelled bored out 10.

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The Claygame card cup for 8G is a good fit ... in muzzle loaders of standard bore dimension ... 0.835". And presumably also in breechloaders of comparable bore dimensions. Therefore No foreseeable problems in putting them through a barrel of this bore dimension and which does not have a lot of choke constriction. Many B/L s however carry significant amounts of choke.

The 8 bore has considerable range of bore dimension  -  from 0.814" up to 0.880" - and extensive variation in amount of choke constriction and configuration. An example, from personal observation, is a gun bored at 0.880" and with 70thou choke. Before undertaking the process of developing a load in this gun utilising the CG wad, the preliminary trial of pushing this wad through the barrel did not go well. The wad lodged in the bore about 4" from the muzzle and would not push further. The base of the wad did give way - end result being a thick card tube obstruction firmly lodged in the barrel..... seems to me that this wad type and diameter would be fairly efficient at causing Ring Bulges.... in both Damascus and Steel barrels.  The 8 bore is a gun that has probably been messed about with more than any other - based on the number of guns seen with "alterations" and "corrective" reparation. Vintage 10 and 12 gauges not infrequently show considerable variations in bore diameter and degree of choke.

Might I humbly suggest that the home loader takes the simple precaution of pushing any special wad through the barrel of the gun in which it is intended for use,,,, and a view thereby formed on the potential usefulness of the wad  -OR - risk , of damage to your 'fowling piece ?   (excuse long windedness).

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