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16 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, on my O/U I took off the hard rubber butt pad and put on a softer stretch over pad

I've taken to wearing a recoil shoulder pad, which I will continue with on driven days, but looking to go semi auto for pigeons, although to be fair I have been using 32g carts, so maybe I will go for a lighter load.

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6 minutes ago, twenty said:

I've taken to wearing a recoil shoulder pad, which I will continue with on driven days, but looking to go semi auto for pigeons, although to be fair I have been using 32g carts, so maybe I will go for a lighter load.

Hello,  using 28g 7.5s with 3/4 and full choke, but I am changing to 1/4 3/4 to give a better pattern

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10 hours ago, dad said:

I know how you feel I'm just getting over 2 weeks laid up with back trouble i cant stand in one position for more than 10mins sitting is not much better so I'm up down up down i come home like a wreck sometimes.

Certainly no fun having a back problem dad , I called it a day as a brick layer when I was 60 and now nearly 13 later I still get some form of pain in my back everyday , normally after a a couple of tablets first thing in the morning I can get through the day fairly easy although when I am shooting sitting down I have to be carful about taking shots that are going back either right or left .

Last year I invited a friend of mine to have a go on two fields of rape stubble , on the day we went it was blowing a gale and the pigeons were everywhere , in the past I would have been sure of a three figure bag and I knew we would get some good shooting , my younger friend was happy going on one field that was exposed and I went on the side of a Fir wood to get some shelter from the wind .

When I set my stall out I put the magnet well back to give me a bit more time when they over flew the decoys and the ones that carried on to get shelter in the wood , from the word go the pigeons were nearly none stop and each shot fired there were more pigeons on the move , I was getting a lot of shooting and was beginning to feel my back after taking some from the side with my second shot , after about a hour or so I was leaving a lot of shots as my back was giving me some stick then a pigeon came towards me from the left , I gave it a shot well in front and with it being hard hit I swung through to give it the second shot , this was the last shot I had that afternoon as it felt like an electric shock had gone through my back , I rang my mate to tell him the bad news that I am in a bit of pain and calling it a day , by then I had 30+ and by going easy I managed to clear up , since then it haven't been as bad as that day , but you always need to be aware that your back is no longer as flexible as it once was .








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Good post and good replies.  Have you thought about the fit of your gun. Are you comfortable when you shoot ? Are you stretching your neck too much to see over the rib ? 
Is your face off the comb ? Is the gun knocking you about 

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Really interesting thread. I have never noticed recoil on any gun - however from the comments above it seems that won’t last forever. Some of you have more than 45 years on me but it is nonetheless an interesting read.

There is a firearms coach that says if you shoot a lot you should fire 10 rimfire rounds for each centre fire round you fire and then you will never develop a flinch. You need your body to be untrained from expecting recoil each time you pull the trigger. 

In terms of gun choice I have a semi auto that is great on vermin and the marsh but I think if I were in a similar position I would go down the @Walker570 route and learn to shoot a lovely little .410 rather than give up spending time on my hobby, or look out of place on a game day. Make sure the gun is well fitted and your shooting position is comfortable etc.

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