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Took my boy shooting clays yesterday


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A few months ago my eldest boy (9) started showing a real interest in shooting. He’s always been around guns and shooting, and has been out with me a few times but until recently has not showed any keen interest.

Anyway, a few months ago I took him for a lesson at a local clay ground, he was shooting a over and under 28 bore and broke the majority of clays sent his way with help from the instructor. After that he seems to have got the bug, and wanted to go shooting more often.

I managed to pick him up a little cooey 84 .410 shotgun local to me with cleaning kit and 2 boxes of shells for the bargain price of £35! I opened the choke out to 1/4, cut the stock down to 12” and fitted a fiberoptic bead.

To start with I took him down the field, taught him safe gun handling and shot tin cans, then moved on to easy clays thrown by hand from behind. I started putting firebird targets on them to make it more interesting.

Yesterday we went up to westlands clay ground with a couple of friends, I think we were all quite surprised by the rate at which he was dusting them with his little .410! In fact I think a couple of the lads were a bit embarrassed when he was breaking clays they were missing with the 12 bores. He even had a go on the new tower! Missed both times but never mind, what’s really nice though is the attitude of some of the older guys when they see a youngster on the clays. They have a look at his gun, give him encouragement and advice and it’s really great to see.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, bit of a proud dad moment and this really is a great sport to be part of. 

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It's nice when your kids get into the sport. 

My eldest was a very good clay shot, but didn't stick with it. He is a bit of an all-rounder. He won Manchester School sprints and marathons at school, played in the same football league as Gary Neville - always left him for dead, played tennis, snooker to a high level and  was a 500 Expert motocross rider. He says he hasn't time for it now. 

Youngest was a decent shot and still goes occasionally.

Grandson had a go - I bought him a 410, then a 20 gauge auto from derekbomag on here. He didn't stick with it, but recently mentioned he wouldn't mind another go. He is old enough and big enough for a 12 gauge. I said if he fancied another go, I have a Remington 1100 he might have a go with.

I hold out a slight hope that all three might take it up properly. 

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