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Stock refurbishment


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Personally, I would always go for an 'oil' finish. 

There are lots of topics about it - and also lots on the internet, and no doubt those with more experience than I in these matters will give their tips.  People have posted their achievements and they look very good.  I have never done one from square one, but the general rule is to make sure you have the surface really well prepared and free of dents and scratches as any finish tends to show these up.  Again, there are videos etc on how to raise small dents with a wet cloth and hot iron.  You might also want to use a little stain to highlight the grain .........

Then oil along the lines of little and often and with the palm of the hand rubbing the oil in and generating some heat by friction.  The ditty is something like "once a day for a week, once a week for a month, then once a month for a year .......... and annually or as needed after that!

A well done oil finish will improve with time - and grow old gracefully.  A new varnish type finish may start nice, but will get chipped and scratched - and look worse with time.

For a very traditionalists approach try https://www.vintageguns.co.uk/magazine/making-oils-for-stock-finishing

I suspect that the kit suggested in the previous post is also a good product - I have heard CCL stuff is successful.

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