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12 hours ago, 100milesaway said:

I have  asked my partner if it is OK to speak on here on the prostate subject and he has agreed as we both feel it could help you all understand and help many. My partner was diagnosed as having aggressive  prostate cancer 11 years ago,as his father had died from prostate and bone cancer in his early 70s we were understandably greatly concerned but the cancer was contained within the prostate and had not spread anywhere else. We were told by the head specialist that his treatment would be a course of hormone therapy and 2 daily tablets, Finisteride and Uffofosin.and when his psa had come down they would start the radio therapy..When it did reduce from 9 to 6 his radio therapy started, this consisted of a daily visit a round trip of 80 miles to James Cook hospital in Middlesbrough for 7 weeks The treatment was not invasive was pain free and we met dozens of similar chaps and enjoyed the daily comaradery.His PSA went down to .002. Wonderful we thought....2 years later my partner suffered many episodes of severe bleeding from his rear passage, this is treated by nurse Auntie who administers a nightly enama  which stops the blood flow which has been caused by radiation proctitus.  

After a few more months we discovered that they had also singed his bladder which led to him having to wear a catheter and this results in lots of water infections and blockages due to clotting blood. Due to numerous TERPS and cameras up his urethra they have now had to fit him with something called a Suprapubic catheter which has to be changed by the district nurses every six weeks. We have made hundreds of visits to A%E usually in the night due to water retention.

I have the utmost respect for my partners ability to remain upbeat in the face of adversity he

is 76 years old still goes on 7 mile walks every week and still rides a large  cc motorbike.

My advise to all you chaps out there is please get tested and if you are lucky enough to be offered surgery ( removal ) go for it, a bit of pee is better than what we have suffered,we wernt offered it.  Don't be afraid to ask for help ,they don't  always offer it.


Thanks for posting 👍👍👍

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