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Winchester .22LR subs 42grain


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Winchester Subsonic  .22LR  42grain, 325M/S 1065FPS Hollow point.

Pest and small game.

300 Boxed, new in box.


Collection only, with FAC.




These are for sale as they are unsuitable for my Ruger 10-22. 

They never recycle no matter what I do. However, fired and loaded as singles they do appear reasonably accurate. I have neither the time nor patience to load single rounds.

The two pictures below, show grouping at 50 yards with a stiff L - R wind, loaded as singles.


The pictures below show my experience with almost every round used from genuine Ruger mags and trying to use in a semi auto.


You pays your money takes your chance. I would not recommend using these in a semi unless you know better. My recommendation is for individual shot loading.

Can't say much fairer than that.

Eley contact 42grain or nothing from now on 🤔


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21 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

These are my go to 22lr my little Bruno love them yet so far away 😡


17 minutes ago, THEINVISIBLESCARECROW said:

These are 1" groups max at 50yds in my CZ 452. Pity not my area or I'd of had them without delay.

I've heard from others they're good ammunition, so when no Eley available chose those. Wrongly as it's worked out for me and my RFD doesn't entertain returns. Normally I'd pass them onto my son as his rifle is bolt action, however, he is maxed out with rimfire ammo.

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Son in law had same problem with these in his Brno auto.  After a lot of investigation we found that because the nose shape is longer, the steepness of the round feed causes the tip of the bullet to collide with the top of the chamber entrance which is square.  With a std bullet the whole round has space to flip up flat out of the magazine before being rammed into the chamber.  The effect was to bend the bullet almost to right angle and end up with the whole bullet + case jammed between the bolt and the chamber, ( as in your picture).  we experimented and cut the bullet tips shorter with a Stanley knife blade.  All of the shortened rounds chambered and fired.  Problem was resolved by me buying them and using them in my bolt. I've found them to be accurate.  Why can't you hold them until your son uses some of his ammo and then feed them over. Or find someone to hold them.  ....IF.... there were no other rounds available and it was my rifle then I'd  alter the top of the chamber a little bit with a dremel to change the feed area.

Edit.... a std 22rf bullet is 40 grins these are 42.  The extra grn lead WT is achieved by a fuller bull nosed bullet in comparison.  It's  not much but enough to cause a collision with the chamber edge. 

'Re Edit.  I've just noticed that in your action isnt ejecting the fired case causing a lock up .?  Dirty chamber.?

Edited by Minky
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Thanks for the information, I've not put them side by side with the Eley, I'll look.

After trying them first time, I thought it might be gas or carbon and stripped the rifle to its component parts. Cleaned, oiled and reassembled. Fired 10 rounds Eley no stoppages. Fired 10 rounds Winchester, stoppage either every round or every second round. Back to Eley, no stoppages.

I don't like the idea of cutting the heads, I think that may cause flight problems plus its just too much hassle. 

My son has already stocked up with 1000 x 38grain. Holding them will be a year at least. He only shoots live quarry. 

I can't swap him as I can't recycle 38 grain.

Better to take the loss and re buy Eley when I can find a supply.

One of my local RFDs only stocks Winchester the other has recently lost his ticket and has to attend court on appeal. No stocks - no sales, currently. 

Very poor RFD service here in Sheffield at the moment. I've at least an hours drive to another dealer.

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38 minutes ago, London Best said:

Best solution is get rid of the Ruger auto.

It crossed my mind a few times, but on the days I can't get to my perm it's just a nice gun to spend a couple of hours with on the range. I'm normally the only one there, me my dogs my gun and relative peace.

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5 hours ago, Dodder said:

Try RWS subs in your 10/22.  While they are easily the slowest .22rf subs on the market they cycle flawlessly in my AMT which is a S/S copy of a 10/22.  Mine won't cycle either Winchestet or Eley subs - good luck!

The way it's going with ammo, I might have to cut my losses, get a variation and buy a bolt action.

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My 10/22 doesnt seem as fussy as other peoples, I've shot a lot of different brands through it without issue. It may not always be down to the ammo, 10 round mags work better than 25 and genuine Ruger mags work better than other brands. If cycling is an issue then changing the bolt recoil  spring is easy to do and can help.

Having said that, some chambers are tighter than others which will make the rifle more fussy and if the 42 grain is longer than normal that could be the problem.

Edit to add, my 10/22 also has a plastic cover to the buffer pin to reduce wear, I wonder if that also helps slightly with cycling ammo? Might be worth looking into.

Edited by Windswept
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